IFreeNotification = interface
__interface INTERFACE_UUID("{FEB50EAF-A3B9-4B37-8EDB-1EF9EE2F22D4}") IFreeNotification : public System::IInterface
Type | Visibility | Source | Unit | Parent |
interface class |
public | FMX.Types.pas FMX.Types.hpp |
FMX.Types | FMX.Types |
IFreeNotification is the interface for freeing notifiers.
IFreeNotification allows the designer to notify a certain object that the component is destroyed.
Use the FreeNotification method to apply the notification.
Note: To notify all objects in relation with the component, keep the objects in a list, and call FreeNotification for each object in the list. Add the objects to the list in the proper order, so that the freeing process can be done correctly. The component must be freed first and then its owner.
Note: Components like TBrushResource, TBitmap, TPathData, TCanvas, or TFmxObject are descended from IFreeNotification.