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Contains the FireDAC core components for data access, including TFDConnection, TFDQuery, TFDStoredProc, TFDMemTable, and so forth.

Package FireDAC290.bpl


TFDAdaptedDataSetThe TFDAdaptedDataSet class uses data adapter to execute DBMS queries, open DBMS cursors, fetch rows, and post changes back to DBMS.
TFDCommandThe class responsible for the execution of SQL commands.
TFDConnectionThe class responsible for the connection establishment with a DBMS.
TFDCustomCommandThe base class responsible for the execution of SQL commands.
TFDCustomConnectionThe class responsible for the connection establishment with a DBMS.
TFDCustomConnectionClassSets the TFDCustomConnection descendant class.
TFDCustomEventAlerterThe class responsible for handling the database event notifications.
TFDCustomLocalSQLThe base class for the Local SQL engine.
TFDCustomManagerThe class responsible for connection definitions and connections management.
TFDCustomManagerClassSets the TFDCustomManager descendant class.
TFDCustomMemTableThis class implements an in-memory dataset.
TFDCustomQueryThis class implements a dataset capable of executing SQL queries.
TFDCustomSchemaAdapterThis class implements Centralized Cached Updates support.
TFDCustomStoredProcThis is a class that implements a dataset capable of executing server-side stored procedures.
TFDCustomTableAdapterThis class provides communication between the application and the database.
TFDCustomTransactionThis class is responsible for connection transaction management.
TFDCustomUpdateObjectThis is the base class for update objects used to override updates posting.
TFDEventAlerterThe class responsible for handling the database event notifications.
TFDLocalSQLDataSetTFDLocalSQLDataSet represents a dataset registered with the Local SQL engine.
TFDLocalSQLDataSetsTFDLocalSQLDataSets is a collection of TFDLocalSQLDataSet objects.
TFDManagerThis class is responsible for connection definitions and connections management.
TFDMemTableThis class implements an in-memory dataset.
TFDMetaInfoCommandThis class is responsible for executing the metadata commands.
TFDMetaInfoQueryThis class implements a dataset capable of executing meta-info queries.
TFDQueryThis class implements a dataset capable of executing SQL queries.
TFDRdbmsDataSetThis class includes everything required by descendants to execute SQL commands.
TFDSchemaAdapterThis class implements Centralized Cached Updates support.
TFDStoredProcThis class implements a dataset capable of executing server-side stored procedures.
TFDTableThis class implements a dataset that works with a single database table.
TFDTableAdapterDefines the structure and format of individual records in a text file during a batch move operation.
TFDTransactionThis class is responsible for the connection transaction management.
TFDUpdateSQLThis class applies updates on behalf of queries or stored procedures that cannot post updates directly.


FDFindDefaultConnectionIdentifies and retrieves the default database connection used by FireDAC components.
FDIsDesigningDetermines whether the application is currently running in the design-time environment or runtime.
FDManagerReturns a reference to the global TFDCustomManager object.
FDSetConnectionClassSets the TFDCustomConnection descendant class.
FDSetManagerClassSets the TFDCustomManager descendant class.


PFDTableBookmarkDataRepresents a bookmark or a unique identifier for a specific record within a TFDTable component.
TFDBindedBySpecifies how the command is connected to the connection object.
TFDCommandFlagsDefines a set of flags used to control the behavior of SQL command execution.
TFDConnectionLoginEventType of event handler for the TFDCustomConnection.OnLogin event.
TFDConnectionRecoverEventType of event handler for the TFDCustomConnection.OnRecover event.
TFDEventAlerterEventTFDEventAlerterEvent is the function type for an OnAlert event.
TFDExecuteErrorEventTFDExecuteErrorEvent is the function type for an OnExecuteError event.
TFDGetDatasetEventTFDGetDatasetEvent is the function type for an OnGetDataSet event.
TFDInfoReportItemsSpecifies the type for Info Report Items.
TFDInfoReportStatusSpecifies the type for Info Report Status.
TFDOpenDatasetEventAllows to execute custom code or perform additional actions when a dataset is opened.
TFDOperationFinishedEventTFDOperationFinishedEvent is a callback procedure used by the TFDCustomCommand class.
TFDReconcileRowEventTFDReconcileRowEvent is a callback procedure used by the TFDCustomTableAdapter class.
TFDReleaseClientModeSpecifies the release client mode.
TFDTableBookmarkDataType used to represent a bookmark for a specific record within a TFDTable component.
TFDUpdateRowEventTFDUpdateRowEvent is a callback procedure used by the TFDCustomTableAdapter class.