Contains the FireDAC core components for data access, including TFDConnection, TFDQuery, TFDStoredProc, TFDMemTable, and so forth.
Package | FireDAC290.bpl |
TFDAdaptedDataSet | The TFDAdaptedDataSet class uses data adapter to execute DBMS queries, open DBMS cursors, fetch rows, and post changes back to DBMS. |
TFDCommand | The class responsible for the execution of SQL commands. |
TFDConnection | The class responsible for the connection establishment with a DBMS. |
TFDCustomCommand | The base class responsible for the execution of SQL commands. |
TFDCustomConnection | The class responsible for the connection establishment with a DBMS. |
TFDCustomConnectionClass | Sets the TFDCustomConnection descendant class. |
TFDCustomEventAlerter | The class responsible for handling the database event notifications. |
TFDCustomLocalSQL | The base class for the Local SQL engine. |
TFDCustomManager | The class responsible for connection definitions and connections management. |
TFDCustomManagerClass | Sets the TFDCustomManager descendant class. |
TFDCustomMemTable | This class implements an in-memory dataset. |
TFDCustomQuery | This class implements a dataset capable of executing SQL queries. |
TFDCustomSchemaAdapter | This class implements Centralized Cached Updates support. |
TFDCustomStoredProc | This is a class that implements a dataset capable of executing server-side stored procedures. |
TFDCustomTableAdapter | This class provides communication between the application and the database. |
TFDCustomTransaction | This class is responsible for connection transaction management. |
TFDCustomUpdateObject | This is the base class for update objects used to override updates posting. |
TFDEventAlerter | The class responsible for handling the database event notifications. |
TFDLocalSQLDataSet | TFDLocalSQLDataSet represents a dataset registered with the Local SQL engine. |
TFDLocalSQLDataSets | TFDLocalSQLDataSets is a collection of TFDLocalSQLDataSet objects. |
TFDManager | This class is responsible for connection definitions and connections management. |
TFDMemTable | This class implements an in-memory dataset. |
TFDMetaInfoCommand | This class is responsible for executing the metadata commands. |
TFDMetaInfoQuery | This class implements a dataset capable of executing meta-info queries. |
TFDQuery | This class implements a dataset capable of executing SQL queries. |
TFDRdbmsDataSet | This class includes everything required by descendants to execute SQL commands. |
TFDSchemaAdapter | This class implements Centralized Cached Updates support. |
TFDStoredProc | This class implements a dataset capable of executing server-side stored procedures. |
TFDTable | This class implements a dataset that works with a single database table. |
TFDTableAdapter | Defines the structure and format of individual records in a text file during a batch move operation. |
TFDTransaction | This class is responsible for the connection transaction management. |
TFDUpdateSQL | This class applies updates on behalf of queries or stored procedures that cannot post updates directly. |
FDFindDefaultConnection | Identifies and retrieves the default database connection used by FireDAC components. |
FDIsDesigning | Determines whether the application is currently running in the design-time environment or runtime. |
FDManager | Returns a reference to the global TFDCustomManager object. |
FDSetConnectionClass | Sets the TFDCustomConnection descendant class. |
FDSetManagerClass | Sets the TFDCustomManager descendant class. |
PFDTableBookmarkData | Represents a bookmark or a unique identifier for a specific record within a TFDTable component. |
TFDBindedBy | Specifies how the command is connected to the connection object. |
TFDCommandFlag | |
TFDCommandFlags | Defines a set of flags used to control the behavior of SQL command execution. |
TFDConnectionLoginEvent | Type of event handler for the TFDCustomConnection.OnLogin event. |
TFDConnectionRecoverEvent | Type of event handler for the TFDCustomConnection.OnRecover event. |
TFDEventAlerterEvent | TFDEventAlerterEvent is the function type for an OnAlert event. |
TFDExecuteErrorEvent | TFDExecuteErrorEvent is the function type for an OnExecuteError event. |
TFDGetDatasetEvent | TFDGetDatasetEvent is the function type for an OnGetDataSet event. |
TFDInfoReportItem | |
TFDInfoReportItems | Specifies the type for Info Report Items. |
TFDInfoReportStatus | Specifies the type for Info Report Status. |
TFDInfoReportStatusItem | |
TFDOpenDatasetEvent | Allows to execute custom code or perform additional actions when a dataset is opened. |
TFDOperationFinishedEvent | TFDOperationFinishedEvent is a callback procedure used by the TFDCustomCommand class. |
TFDReconcileRowEvent | TFDReconcileRowEvent is a callback procedure used by the TFDCustomTableAdapter class. |
TFDReleaseClientMode | Specifies the release client mode. |
TFDTableBookmarkData | Type used to represent a bookmark for a specific record within a TFDTable component. |
TFDUpdateRowEvent | TFDUpdateRowEvent is a callback procedure used by the TFDCustomTableAdapter class. |