Contains the TFDScript scripting engine class and additional utility methods and classes.
Package | FireDAC290.bpl |
IFDScriptEngineIntf | Defines the methods and properties for script engines used in FireDAC’s database scripting functionality. |
TFDScript | The class implementing the SQL script engine, capable to execute a series of SQL queries. |
TFDScriptCommand | The base class for custom script commands. |
TFDScriptCommandClass | Represents a command used in the execution of SQL scripts within the TFDScript component. |
TFDScriptCommandRegistry | The list of the registered script commands. |
TFDScriptOptions | The class implementing SQL script engine options. |
TFDScriptParser | Parses SQL scripts to break them down into individual SQL commands. |
TFDSQLScript | An in-memory stored SQL script. |
TFDSQLScripts | TFDSQLScripts is a collection of TFDSQLScript objects. |
FDKeywordMatch | Compares up to a specified maximum number of characters in two strings. |
FDScriptCommandRegistry | Returns a reference to the TFDScriptCommandRegistry singleton. |
TFDConsoleGetEvent | Occurs when getting results from the console. |
TFDConsoleLockUpdate | Occurs when locking console updates. |
TFDConsolePutEvent | Occurs on input to the console. |
TFDGetTextEvent | Occurs when getting a text file. |
TFDHostCommandEvent | Occurs when an OS host command must be executed. |
TFDPauseEvent | Occurs when pausing all activity from the console. |
TFDScriptCommandLookupRes | Specifies command-text matching. |
TFDScriptEchoCommands | Specifies which commands are echoed. |
TFDScriptSpoolOutputMode | Specifies the spooling output. |
TFDScriptStatus | Specifies the script status. |
TFDScriptTextMode | Specifies the text reading/writing modes. |