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Contains the TFDScript scripting engine class and additional utility methods and classes.

Package FireDAC290.bpl


IFDScriptEngineIntfDefines the methods and properties for script engines used in FireDAC’s database scripting functionality.
TFDScript The class implementing the SQL script engine, capable to execute a series of SQL queries.
TFDScriptCommandThe base class for custom script commands.
TFDScriptCommandClassRepresents a command used in the execution of SQL scripts within the TFDScript component.
TFDScriptCommandRegistryThe list of the registered script commands.
TFDScriptOptionsThe class implementing SQL script engine options.
TFDScriptParserParses SQL scripts to break them down into individual SQL commands.
TFDSQLScriptAn in-memory stored SQL script.
TFDSQLScriptsTFDSQLScripts is a collection of TFDSQLScript objects.


FDKeywordMatchCompares up to a specified maximum number of characters in two strings.
FDScriptCommandRegistryReturns a reference to the TFDScriptCommandRegistry singleton.


TFDConsoleGetEventOccurs when getting results from the console.
TFDConsoleLockUpdateOccurs when locking console updates.
TFDConsolePutEventOccurs on input to the console.
TFDGetTextEventOccurs when getting a text file.
TFDHostCommandEventOccurs when an OS host command must be executed.
TFDPauseEventOccurs when pausing all activity from the console.
TFDScriptCommandLookupResSpecifies command-text matching.
TFDScriptEchoCommandsSpecifies which commands are echoed.
TFDScriptSpoolOutputModeSpecifies the spooling output.
TFDScriptStatusSpecifies the script status.
TFDScriptTextModeSpecifies the text reading/writing modes.