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EIBNativeException = class(EFDDBEngineException)


class PASCALIMPLEMENTATION EIBNativeException : public Firedac::Stan::Error::EFDDBEngineException


Type Visibility Source Unit Parent
class public
FireDAC.Phys.IBWrapper FireDAC.Phys.IBWrapper


EFDDBEngineException is the base exception class for all FireDAC DBMS-related errors.

FireDAC.Phys.IBWrapper.EIBNativeException inherits from FireDAC.Stan.Error.EFDDBEngineException. All content below this line refers to FireDAC.Stan.Error.EFDDBEngineException.

EFDDBEngineException is the base exception class for all FireDAC DBMS-related errors.

An EFDDBEngineException object is used as:

  • An exception object, raised when a DBMS operation produces an error condition.
  • An object describing a warning, stored at connection when a DBMS operation produces a warning condition.
  • An object representing a message, stored at connection when a DBMS operation sends a message to a client.

The Errors property contains TFDDBError objects. Each of them corresponds to a single error, warning or message item, produced inside of a single DBMS operation. The Kind property returns a DBMS-independent error kind. The SQL and Params properties allow you to get a failed SQL command.

All FireDAC drivers are implementing their own EFDDBEngineException descendant classes. For example, MySQL driver implements the EMySQLNativeException exception class. 

Use a TFDGUIxErrorDialog dialog to display the complete information about the FireDAC / DBMS error.

See Also
