property UpdateTableName: String read FUpdateTableName write SetUpdateTableName;
__property System::UnicodeString UpdateTableName = {read=FUpdateTableName, write=SetUpdateTableName};
Type | Visibility | Source | Unit | Parent |
property | published | FireDAC.Stan.Option.pas FireDAC.Stan.Option.hpp |
FireDAC.Stan.Option | TFDBottomUpdateOptions |
Specifies a table name to use in SQL commands posting updates.
Use the UpdateTableName property to specify a database table name to use in automatically generated SQL commands. This name can be quoted. UpdateTableName must be specified before preparing/opening a dataset.
Specifying UpdateTableName is required when FireDAC cannot correctly determine a table to post updates to or when the application needs:
- To edit a result set obtained from a view or tables join.
- To edit a result set obtained from a stored procedure or from other non-SELECT SQL construction.
- To redirect updates posting to other table than the one specified in the SQL query.