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property UpdateRecordTypes: TIBUpdateRecordTypes read FUpdateRecordTypes


__property TIBUpdateRecordTypes UpdateRecordTypes = {read=FUpdateRecordTypes, write=SetUpdateRecordTypes, nodefault};


Type Visibility Source Unit Parent
property public
IBX.IBCustomDataSet TIBCustomDataSet


Specifies the type of records visible in a dataset when cached updates are enabled.

Use UpdateRecordTypes to specify the records that are visible in a dataset when cached updates are enabled. UpdateRecordTypes is a set that can have the following values:

By default, a dataset is created with an UpdateRecordTypes set of cusModified, cusInserted, or cusUnmodified, meaning that all existing, edited, or inserted records are visible to the user.

An application that must cycle through a dataset to undelete records may change UpdateRecordTypes as part of an undelete method, so that deleted records are 'visible' long enough to restore them to their previously undeleted conditions.

Similarly, an application that must cycle through a dataset to uninsert records may change UpdateRecordTypes as part of an uninsert method, so that uninserted records are 'visible' long enough to restore them to their previously inserted conditions.

An application might also use UpdateRecordTypes like a filter to temporarily limit visible records to those added or inserted by the user during the current session.