AsBcd | public | |
AsBoolean | public | |
AsBytes | public | |
AsCurrency | public | Represents the XSQLVAR field's value as a Currency value. |
AsDate | public | Represents the XSQLVAR field's value as a TDateTime value. |
AsDateTime | public | Represents the XSQLVAR field's value as a TDateTime value. |
AsDouble | public | Represents the XSQLVAR field's value as a Double value. |
AsFloat | public | Represents the XSQLVAR field's value as a Float value. |
AsInt64 | public | Represents the XSQLVAR field's value as a 64-bit integer. |
AsInteger | public | Represents the XSQLVAR field's value as a 32-bit integer value. |
AsLong | public | Represents the XSQLVAR field's value as a Long integer value. |
AsPointer | public | Represents the XSQLVAR field's value as a Pointer value. |
AsQuad | public | Represents the XSQLVAR field's value as a Quad value. |
AsShort | public | Represents the XSQLVAR field's value as a Short integer value. |
AsString | public | Represents the XSQLVAR field's value as a string. |
AsTime | public | Represents the XSQLVAR field's value as a TDateTime value. |
AsTrimString | public | Represents the XSQLVAR field's value as a string with any trailing spaces removed. |
AsVariant | public | Represents the XSQLVAR field's value as type Variant. |
ChangeState | public | |
CharSetSize | public | |
Data | public | Accesses the underlying InterBase XSQLVAR structure. |
Disposed | protected | Disposed is a read-only property that shows the current state of this object. |
Encoding | public | |
Index | public | Indicates the position of the XSQLVAR in the XSQLDA. |
IsNull | public | Indicates whether the field has a value assigned to it. |
IsNullable | public | Indicates whether the field can have a value assigned to it. |
Modified | public | Indicates whether a field has been modified. |
Name | public | Returns the name of the XSQLVAR. |
Size | public | Indicates the maximum size, in bytes, of data in the sqldata field of the XSQLVAR. |
SQLInd | public | |
SQLType | public | Indicates the SQL datatype of parameters or select list items. |
SqlVar | public | Represents the XSQLVAR field's value as an XSQLVAR value. |
Value | public | Returns the value of the XSQLVAR field component. |