Package | RESTComponents290.bpl |
EConversionError | Exception that raises when a process of conversion or reversion does not complete successfully. |
JsonReflectAttribute | Attribute that defines the interceptor used to marshal and unmarshal data. |
TConverter | |
TConverterEvent | Converter event. |
TInternalJSONPopulationCustomizer | |
TJSONConverter | |
TJSONConverters | |
TJSONInterceptor | |
TJSONMarshal | |
TJSONPopulationCustomizer | |
TJSONUnMarshal | Representation of the Un-marshalling class for JSON objects. |
TListTFieldsEditor | |
TMarshalUnmarshalBase | |
TReverterEvent | |
TRttiMetadataProvider | |
TSerStringItem | Representation of an item of a TStringList that can be serialized. |
TSerStringList | Representation of a TStringList that can be serialized. |
TStringListInterceptor | |
TTypeMarshaller |
EncodingConverter | |
EncodingReverter | |
JSONArrayElementsConverter | |
JSONArrayElementsReverter | |
JSONBooleanAttributeValue | Returns the value of a boolean attribute of class AttributeClass in rttiObject or DefaultValue if no attribute of class AttributeClass is set in the rttiObject . |
JSONObjectPairListConverter | Returns a TListOfObjects created from the key-value pairs in Data . |
JSONObjectPairListReverter | |
StringListConverter | |
StringListReverter | Returns a new instance of TStringList with the content of Ser and frees Ser . |