SHDocVw.IWebBrowser Properties
Application | public | Provides access to the Automation interface for the application that contains the WebBrowser control, or, if that is unavailable, for the interface for the WebBrowser control. |
Busy | public | Indicates whether the WebBrowser control is in the middle of a navigation or downloading operation. |
Container | public | Provides access to the automation interface of the Web browser's container. |
Document | public | Provides access to the Automation interface of the active document. |
Height | public | Specifies the object height in pixels. |
Left | public | Specifies the X axis coordinate of the left edge of the window. |
LocationName | public | Identifies the short (UI-friendly) name of the URL or file currently displayed. |
LocationURL | public | Identifies the URL or path of the document or folder currently displayed. |
Parent | public | Provides access to the Automation interface of the Web browser's container. |
Top | public | Specifies the Y axis coordinate of the upper edge of the window. |
TopLevelContainer | public | Indicates whether the Web browser is a top-level Automation object. |
type_ | public | Indicates the type name of the contained document object. |
Width | public | Specifies the object width in pixels. |