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property ParamCheck;


__property ParamCheck = {default=1};


Type Visibility Source Unit Parent
property published
SimpleDS TInternalSQLDataSet


Specifies whether the parameter list for an SQL dataset is regenerated when the SQL command changes.

SimpleDS.TInternalSQLDataSet.ParamCheck inherits from Data.SqlExpr.TCustomSQLDataSet.ParamCheck. All content below this line refers to Data.SqlExpr.TCustomSQLDataSet.ParamCheck.

Specifies whether the parameter list for an SQL dataset is regenerated when the SQL command changes.

By default, the Params property is updated automatically to reflect any parameters that appear in the query specified by the CommandText property (or the SQL property for TSQLQuery) at runtime. That is, whenever the CommandText property changes, the Params property is regenerated to reflect the new set of parameters.

There are times when you want to override this default behavior. For example, when specifying a data definition language (DDL) statement that defines a stored procedure, the resulting SQL command may include parameters. These parameters, however, should not be used as parameters of the SQL dataset, because they are not parameters of the DDL command, but rather, they are parameters of the stored procedure that the command creates.

In order to override the default generation of the Params property in response to changes in CommandText, set ParamCheck to false.

See Also