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property AfterOpen;


__property AfterOpen;


Type Visibility Source Unit Parent
event published
SimpleDS TSimpleDataSet


Occurs after an application completes opening a dataset and before any data access occurs.

SimpleDS.TSimpleDataSet.AfterOpen inherits from Data.DB.TDataSet.AfterOpen. All content below this line refers to Data.DB.TDataSet.AfterOpen.

Occurs after an application completes opening a dataset and before any data access occurs.

Write an AfterOpen event handler to take specific action immediately after an application opens the dataset. AfterOpen is called after the dataset establishes access to its data and the dataset is put into dsBrowse state. For example, an AfterOpen event handler might check an ini file to determine the last record touched in the dataset the previous time the application ran, and position the dataset at that record.

AfterOpen is an event handler of type Data.DB.TDataSetNotifyEvent.

See Also

Code Examples