Package | soaprtl290.bpl |
ERemotableException | ERemotableException is the class for exceptions that can be communicated from a Web Service application to a client application. |
ERemotableExceptionClass | ERemotableExceptionClass defines the metaclass for ERemotableException. |
ETypeRegistryException | ETypeRegistryException is the exception raised when the invocation registry or the invokable type registry encounters an invalid type. |
IHeadersSetter | |
IObjConverter | IObjConverter is the interface for converting between a remotable class and its SOAP representation. |
ISOAPHeaders | ISOAPHeaders is the interface for accessing the headers that accompany a message encoded using SOAP. |
TDataContext | TDataContext stores temporary information about a set of objects, Variants, and other related values. |
THeaderList | THeaderList maintains a list of SOAP headers. |
TInvContext | TInvContext stores information about a method call on an invokeable interface. |
TInvokableClass | TInvokableClass is the base class for the implementation classes of invokable interfaces. |
TInvokableClassClass | TInvokableClassClass defines the metaclass for TInvokableClass. |
TInvokableClassRegistry | TInvokableClassRegistry is the type of the invocation registry. |
TPascalRemotableClassRegistry | TPascalRemotableClassRegistry is the type of the remotable class registry. |
TPascalRemotableTypeRegistry | TPascalRemotableTypeRegistry is the type of the remotable type registry. |
TRemotable | TRemotable is the base class for classes that can be passed as parameters or return values in a Web Service application. |
TRemotableClass | TRemotableClass defines the metaclass for TRemotable. |
TRemotableClassRegistry | TRemotableClassRegistry is an alias for TRemotableTypeRegistry. |
TRemotableTypeRegistry | TRemotableTypeRegistry is the type of the remotable type registry. |
TRemotableXS | TRemotableXS is the base class for classes that represent a non-native scalar type on an invokable interface in a Web Service application. |
TRemotableXSClass | TRemotableXSClass defines the metaclass for TRemotableXS. |
TSOAPAttachment | TSOAPAttachment represents an attachment that is included with SOAP messages that represent method calls in a Web Service application. |
TSOAPAttachmentClass | TSOAPAttachmentClass defines the metaclass for TSOAPAttachment. |
TSOAPHeader | TSOAPHeader represents a header on the SOAP envelope that contains an encoded message in a Web Service application. |
TSOAPHeaderClass | TSOAPHeaderClass defines the metaclass for TSOAPHeader. |
TSOAPHeaders | TSOAPHeaders is a helper object for implementing the ISOAPHeaders interface. |
TSOAPHeadersBase | TSOAPHeadersBase is the base class for classes that maintain lists of SOAP headers. |
GetRemotableDataContext | Returns the TDataContext object that provides temporary storage during a call to an invokable interface. |
InvRegistry | Provides access to the invocation registry. |
RemClassRegistry | Provides access to the remotable class registry. |
RemTypeRegistry | Provides access to the remotable type registry. |
SetRemotableDataContext | Sets the data context that provides temporary storage during a call to an invokable interface. |
SubstituteStrings |
eHeaderMethodType | eHeaderMethodType and THeaderMethodTypeArray indicate the types of messages that should include a given header type. |
ExtNameMapItem | |
InterfaceMapItem | InterfaceMapItem stores information about an invokable interface. |
IntfExceptionItem | IntfExceptionItem and TExceptionItemArray describe the association between a remotable exception and an interface that can raise it. |
IntfHeaderItem | IntfHeaderItem and THeaderItemArray describe the association between a header and the SOAP messages that include it. |
InvRegClassEntry | |
InvString | InvString is the type for strings that are used to represent all or part of an encoded call on an invokable interface. |
InvStringDynArray | InvStringDynArray is a dynamic array of InvString values. |
MethodMapItem | Stores information about a method of an invokable interface. |
ObjectConvertOptions | ObjectConvertOptions and TObjectConvertOptions are flags that customize how to convert a remotable object to or from its SOAP representation. |
ParameterMapItem | Stores information about a parameter of a method exposed by an invokable interface. |
PTRemotable | |
SerializationOptions | SerializationOptions and TSerializationOptions are flags that customize how to convert a remotable object to or from its SOAP representation. |
Soap_Invokeregistry__51 | |
Soap_Invokeregistry__61 | |
Soap_Invokeregistry__71 | |
TBooleanSOAPArray | |
TByteSOAPArray | |
TCardinalSOAPArray | |
TCreateInstanceProc | TCreateInstanceProc is the type of the factory routine that returns an instance of an invokable class. |
TDoubleSOAPArray | |
TDynToClear | |
TExceptionItemArray | TExceptionItemArray is a dynamic array of IntfExceptionItem values. |
THeaderItemArray | |
THeaderMethodTypeArray | |
TInt64SOAPArray | |
TIntegerSOAPArray | |
TInterfaceMapItemArray | Represents an array of InterfaceMapItem instances. |
TIntfInvokeOption | TIntfInvokeOption and TIntfInvokeOptions represent flags that customize how to handle calls to an invokable interface. |
TIntfInvokeOptions | TIntfInvokeOptions and TIntfInvokeOption represent flags that customize the way to handle calls to an invokable interface. |
TLongWordSOAPArray | |
TObjectConvertOptions | TObjectConvertOptions and ObjectConvertOptions are flags that customize the way to convert a remotable object to or from its SOAP representation. |
TObjMultiOptions | TObjMultiOptions indicates how multiple references to the same remotable class should be translated into a SOAP representation. |
TRemHeaderEntry | |
TRemRegEntry | TRemRegEntry stores information for the remotable type registry. |
TRemRegEntryArray | TRemRegEntryArray is a dynamic array of TRemRegEntry values. |
TRequiredArray | TRequiredArray is a dynamic array of boolean values. |
TSerializationOptions | TSerializationOptions and SerializationOptions are flags that customize how to convert a remotable object to or from its SOAP representation. |
TShortIntSOAPArray | |
TSingleSOAPArray | |
TSmallIntSOAPArray | |
TStringSOAPArray | |
TWideStringSOAPArray | |
TWordSOAPArray |
AppNameSpacePrefix | Supplies a unique prefix to use for automatically generated namespaces given to invokable interfaces and remotable types. |
XMLBase64Types | |
XMLSchemaInstNamespaces | |
XMLSchemaNamespaces |