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function AS_GetParams(const ProviderName: OleStr; var OwnerData: OleVariant): OleVariant; safecall;


HRESULT __safecall AS_GetParams(const System::Types::OleStr ProviderName, System::OleVariant &OwnerData, System::OleVariant &__AS_GetParams_result);


Type Visibility Source Unit Parent
function protected
Soap.SOAPDm TSoapDataModule


Fetches current parameter values from the dataset bound to a specified provider.

Use AS_GetParams to retrieve the current parameter values from the dataset associated with a provider. The ProviderName parameter specifies the name of the provider component whose dataset has the parameters. The OwnerData represents custom information that originates in a client dataset's BeforeGetParams event handler and returns information that is passed to the client dataset's AfterGetParams event handler.

Note: In Delphi, AS_GetParams returns the parameters, encoded as a Variant array, or, if the provider does not support parameter fetching, a Null Variant.

Note: In C++, the AS_GetParams _result parameter the Variant array containing the parameters (or the Null Variant).

Use the UnpackParams procedure to convert parameter values returned by AS_GetParams to a TParams object.

Warning: It is not a good idea to call AS_GetParams on a SOAP data module. SOAP data modules are stateless, and any parameter values you fetch may be changed by other applications. The recommended way to obtain output parameter values is to call the AS_Execute method instead.

Note: Applications can only call the protected AS_GetParams method using the IAppServer interface.

See Also