Package | soaprtl290.bpl |
ESOAPHTTPException | ESOAPHTTPException is the class for exceptions that occur when sending or receiving an HTTP message that contains a SOAP packet. |
IHTTPReqResp | IHTTPReqResp is the interface used to obtain a THTTPReqResp instance. |
TClientCert | TClientCert class contains informational properties purposes for a Client. |
THTTPReqResp | THTTPReqResp executes a method call on an invokable interface by sending a SOAP message to the server. |
SOAPInvokeOptions | SOAPInvokeOptions and TSOAPInvokeOptions represent flags that customize how to handle a SOAP message. |
TBeforePostEvent | TBeforePostEvent is the type of the OnBeforePost event of THTTPReqResp. |
TPostingDataEvent | TPostingDataEvent is the type of the OnPostingData event of THTTPReqResp. |
TReceivingDataEvent | TReceivingDataEvent is the type of the OnReceivingData event of THTTPReqResp. |
TSOAPHttpErrorAction | Enumerated type specifying an action that THTTPReqResp takes when a request returned an HTTP status code greater or equal to 300. |
TSOAPHttpErrorEvent | Event type of THTTPReqResp.OnHttpError. |
TSOAPInvokeOptions | TSOAPInvokeOptions and SOAPInvokeOptions represent flags that customize how to handle a SOAP message. |