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Package soaprtl290.bpl


ETypeTransExceptionETypeTransException is the exception raised when a conversion between a SOAP type description and an Object Pascal type fails.
TTypeTranslatorProvides functionality for converting simple XML types to and from the corresponding native types.


FloatToStrExConverts a floating-point number to string (for SOAP messaging).
GetEnumValueEx (deprecated)Converts a string to an enumeration value.
GetEnumValueExWConverts a string to an enumeration value.
SetEnumPropEx (deprecated)Sets the value of a property whose type is an enumeration.
SetEnumPropExWSets the value of a property whose type is an enumeration.
StrToFloatExConverts a string to a floating-point number (for SOAP messaging).


TypeTranslatorInstance of TTypeTranslator. Provides functionality for converting simple XML types to and from the representative native types.