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function  GetSoapBodyOutputAttribute(const BindingName, Operation, Attribute: DOMString;
OverloadIndex: Integer; var SOAPVersion: TSOAPVersion): DOMString;


System::UnicodeString __fastcall GetSoapBodyOutputAttribute(const System::UnicodeString BindingName, const System::UnicodeString Operation, const System::UnicodeString Attribute, int OverloadIndex, Soap::Wsdlintf::TSOAPVersion &SOAPVersion);


Type Visibility Source Unit Parent
function public
Soap.WSDLItems TWSDLItems


Returns the value of an attribute of a body tag of an output message in an operation on the port type of a SOAP binding.

Call GetSoapBodyOutputAttribute to retrieve value of an attribute on the body tag for an output message that is part of an operation of the port type associated with a specified binding. The body tag can come from the WSDL document or another document that it imports.

BindingName is the name of the binding that includes the operation.

Operation is the name of the operation that includes the output message.

Attribute is the name of the desired attribute on the <soap:body> tag.

OverloadIndex indicates which operation node is desired when the binding has multiple operations with the same name (overloaded methods). 0 indicates the first operation with the specified name, 1 indicates the second operation node, and so on.

Note: GetSoapBodyOutputAttribute returns the same value as GetSoapBodyAttribute with an IOType of 'output'.

See Also