Package | soaprtl290.bpl |
EXSDateTimeException | EXSDateTimeException is the exception class for errors encountered by the remotable objects that represent XML schema date and time values. |
EXSDecimalException | EXSDecimalException is the exception class for errors encountered by the remotable objects that represent decimal values. |
EXSHexBinaryException | EXSHexBinaryException is the exception class for errors encountered by the remotable objects that represent hexadecimal values. |
TXMLData | Represents a raw SOAP message node. |
TXSBoolean | |
TXSCustomDateTime | TXSCustomDateTime is the base class for classes that represent both date and time values for an invokable interface. |
TXSDate | TXSDate implements the XML schema date type so that it can be used on invokable interfaces. |
TXSDateTime | TXSDateTime implements the XML schema datetime type so that it can be used on invokable interfaces. |
TXSDecimal | TXSDecimal implements the XML schema decimal type so that it can be used on invokable interfaces. |
TXSDuration | TXSDuration implements the XML schema duration type so that it can be used on invokable interfaces. |
TXSHexBinary | TXSHexBinary implements the XML schema hexBinary type so that it can be used on invokable interfaces. |
TXSInteger | |
TXSLong | |
TXSString | TXSString implements the XML schema string type so that it can be used on invokable interfaces. |
TXSTime | TXSTime implements the XML schema time type so that it can be used on invokable interfaces. |
TXSTimeInstant | TXSTimeInstant represents the timeInstant type for Web Services applications. |
DateTimeToXMLTime | Returns the XML string that represents a TDateTime value. |
DateTimeToXSDateTime | Returns a TXSDateTime object that encodes a TDateTime value. |
GetDataFromFile | |
InitXSTypes | |
SoapFloatToStr | |
SoapStrToFloat | |
XMLTimeToDateTime | Returns a TDateTime value for an XML date and time value. This function is the inverse of the DateTimeToXMLTime function. |
IncrementAmount | |
SDecimal | |
SNAN | |
SNegative | |
SoapTimePrefix | |
SPlus | |
SSciNotationMarker |
MaxDay | MaxDay: Integer = $1F; |
MaxMonth | MaxMonth: Integer = $C; |
MinDay | MinDay: Integer = 1; |
MinMonth | MinMonth: Integer = 1; |
SHexMarker | SHexMarker: Char = $24; |
SLocalTimeMarker | SLocalTimeMarker: Char = $5A; |
SoapDecimalSeparator | SoapDecimalSeparator: Char = $2E; |
XMLDateSeparator | XMLDateSeparator: Char = $2D; |
XMLDayPos | XMLDayPos: Integer = 9; |
XMLDefaultYearDigits | XMLDefaultYearDigits: Integer = 4; |
XMLDurationDay | XMLDurationDay: Char = $44; |
XMLDurationHour | XMLDurationHour: Char = $48; |
XMLDurationMinute | XMLDurationMinute: Char = $4D; |
XMLDurationMonth | XMLDurationMonth: Char = $4D; |
XMLDurationSecond | XMLDurationSecond: Char = $53; |
XMLDurationStart | XMLDurationStart: Char = $50; |
XMLDurationYear | XMLDurationYear: Char = $59; |
XMLHourOffsetMinusMarker | XMLHourOffsetMinusMarker: Char = $2D; |
XMLHourOffsetPlusMarker | XMLHourOffsetPlusMarker: Char = $2B; |
XMLMilSecPos | XMLMilSecPos: Integer = $A; |
XMLMonthPos | XMLMonthPos: Integer = 6; |
XMLTimeSeparator | XMLTimeSeparator: Char = $3A; |
XMLYearPos | XMLYearPos: Integer = 1; |