AdjustLineBreaks | |
AnsiCompareFileName | Compares file names. |
AnsiCompareStr | Compare two strings with case-sensitivity. |
AnsiCompareText | Compare two strings without case-sensitivity. |
AnsiContainsStr | Test if subtext is found in text with case-sensitivity. |
AnsiContainsText | Test if subtext is found in text without case-sensitivity. |
AnsiDequotedStr | Convert quoted string to unquoted string. |
AnsiEndsStr | Test if trailing part of text matches subtext with case-sensitivity. |
AnsiEndsText | Test if trailing part of text matches subtext without case-sensitivity. |
AnsiExtractQuotedStr | Converts a quoted string into an unquoted string. |
AnsiFormatBuf | Format argument list using format string. |
AnsiIndexStr | Look for string in string array with case-sensitivity. |
AnsiIndexText | Look for string in string array without case-sensitivity. |
AnsiLastChar | Get last full character in string. |
AnsiLeftStr | Returns substring of specified length at start of string. |
AnsiLowerCase | Convert characters to lower case. |
AnsiLowerCaseFileName (deprecated) | Convert file name to lower case. |
AnsiMatchStr | Determines if string is in string array with case-sensitivity. |
AnsiMatchText | Determines if string is in string array without case-sensitivity. |
AnsiMidStr | Returns substring of specified length at specified position in string. |
AnsiPos | Get index value of first character in substring that occurs in string. |
AnsiQuotedStr | Get quoted string from string. |
AnsiReplaceStr | Replaces all occurrences of a substring within a string, using case-sensitive search. |
AnsiReplaceText | Replace all occurrences of a substring. |
AnsiReverseString | Reverse AnsiString. |
AnsiRightStr | Returns substring of specified length at end of string. |
AnsiSameStr | Compare two strings with case-sensitivity. |
AnsiSameText | Compare two strings without case-sensitivity. |
AnsiStartsStr | Test if leading part of text matches subtext with case-sensitivity. |
AnsiStartsText | Test if leading part of text matches subtext without case-sensitivity. |
AnsiStrAlloc | Allocates a buffer for a null-terminated AnsiString and returns a pointer to its first character. |
AnsiStrComp | Compares null-terminated character strings. |
AnsiStrIComp | Compares null-terminated character strings case-insensitively. |
AnsiStrLastChar | Returns a pointer to the last character in a null-terminated string. |
AnsiStrLComp | Compares the first MaxLen bytes of two null-terminated strings, case-sensitively. |
AnsiStrLIComp | Compares two strings, case-insensitively, up to the first MaxLen bytes. |
AnsiStrLower | Converts all characters in a null-terminated string to lowercase. |
AnsiStrPos | Returns a pointer to the first occurrence of a substring. |
AnsiStrRScan | Returns a pointer to the last occurrence of a specified character in a specified string. |
AnsiStrScan | Returns a pointer to the first occurrence of a character in a string. |
AnsiStrUpper | Converts all characters in a null-terminated string to uppercase. |
AnsiUpperCase | Convert characters to upper case. |
AnsiUpperCaseFileName (deprecated) | Convert file name to lower case. |
AppendStr (deprecated) | Appends a dynamically allocated string to an existing string. |
AssignStr (deprecated) | Assigns a new dynamically allocated string to a specified pointer. |
ByteToCharIndex (deprecated) | Returns the position of the character that contains a specified byte in a string. |
ByteToCharLen (deprecated) | Returns the number of characters fully contained in the first MaxLen bytes of a string. |
ByteType | Indicates whether a byte in a string is a single-byte character, the first byte of a double-byte character, or the second byte of a double-byte character. |
ChangeFileExt | Change filename extension. |
ChangeFilePath | Change filename path. |
CharLength | Gets the number of bytes required by character. |
CharToByteIndex (deprecated) | Returns the 1-based index of the first byte of a specified character in a string. |
CharToByteLen (deprecated) | Returns the length, in bytes, of the first MaxLen characters of a string. |
CharToElementIndex | Returns the 1-based index of the first element of a specified character in a string. |
CharToElementLen | Returns the length, in bytes, of the first MaxLen characters of a string. |
CompareStr | Compare two strings with case-sensitivity. |
CompareText | Compare two strings for equality without case-sensitivity. |
ContainsStr | Test if subtext is found in text with case-sensitivity. |
ContainsText | Test if subtext is found in text without case-sensitivity. |
DisposeStr (deprecated) | Disposes of a string pointer that was allocated using NewStr. |
DupeString | Make copies of string. |
ElementToCharIndex | Returns the position of the character that contains a specified element in a string. |
ElementToCharLen | Returns the number of characters fully contained in the first MaxLen elements of a string. |
EndsStr | Test if trailing part of text matches subtext with case-sensitivity. |
EndsText | Test if trailing part of text matches subtext without case-sensitivity. |
ExcludeTrailingBackslash | Previous name for ExcludeTrailingPathDelimiter. |
ExcludeTrailingPathDelimiter | Returns a path name without a trailing delimiter.
Note: Do not use this method for new development. In particular, if you are doing multi-device development, we recommend that you use the next-generation implementation, System.SysUtils.ExcludeTrailingPathDelimiter, which provides support for mobile platforms as well. |
ExpandFileName | Expand filename to fully qualified filename. |
ExpandFileNameCase | Get fully qualified filename by performing case-insensitive filename search looking for a close match. |
ExpandUNCFileName | Expand filename to fully qualified filename. |
ExtractFileDir | Extracts drive and directory parts of filename. |
ExtractFileDrive | Extract drive part of filename. |
ExtractFileExt | Extract extension part of filename. |
ExtractFileName | Extract name and extension parts of filename. |
ExtractFilePath | Extract drive and directory parts of filename. |
ExtractRelativePath | Return file path name relative to base name. |
ExtractShortPathName | Convert filename to short form. |
FloatToText | Converts a floating-point value to an unterminated character string, using a specified Format, Precision, and Digits. |
FloatToTextFmt | Converts a floating-point value to an unterminated character string, using a specified format. |
FmtStr | Format argument list using format string. |
Format | Formats the argument list given by the Args parameter using the format string given by the Format parameter. |
FormatBuf | Formats the arguments from an array, placing the result in a buffer. |
IncludeTrailingBackslash | Previous name for IncludeTrailingPathDelimiter. |
IncludeTrailingPathDelimiter | Ensures that the path name ends with a delimiter.
Note: Do not use this method for new development. In particular, if you are doing multi-device development, we recommend that you use the next-generation implementation, System.SysUtils.IncludeTrailingPathDelimiter, which provides support for mobile platforms as well. |
IndexStr | Look for string in string array with case-sensitivity. |
IndexText | Look for string in string array without case-sensitivity.. |
IsDelimiter | Test if character is delimiter. |
IsPathDelimiter | Test if character is path delimiter. |
IsValidIdent | |
LastDelimiter | Byte index of rightmost whole delimiter character. |
LeftBStr | Returns the substring of a specified number of bytes that appears at the start of a string. |
LeftStr | Returns the substring of a specified length that appears at the start of a string. |
LowerCase | Convert all characters to lower case. |
MatchStr | Determines if string in string array with case-sensitivity. |
MatchText | Determines if string in string array. |
MidBStr | Returns the substring of a specified number of bytes that appears at a specified position in a string. |
MidStr | Returns the substring of a specified length that appears at a specified position in a string. |
NewStr (deprecated) | Allocates a string on the heap. |
NextCharIndex | Byte index of first byte of next character. |
PosEx | Returns index value of substring, starting at offset. |
QuotedStr | Gets quoted string from string. |
RandomFrom | Randomly return one of given strings in array. |
ReplaceStr | Replaces all occurrences of a substring within a string, using case-sensitive search. |
ReplaceText | Replace all occurrences of a substring. |
ReverseString | Reverse AnsiString. |
RightBStr | Returns the substring of a specified number of bytes that appears at the end of a string. |
RightStr | Returns the substring of a specified length that appears at the end of a string. |
SameFileName | Compare file names for equality. |
SameStr | Compare two strings with case-sensitivity. |
SameText | Compare two strings for equality without case-sensitivity. |
SearchBuf | Locates a substring within a text buffer. |
StartsStr | Test if leading part of text matches subtext with case-sensitivity. |
StartsText | Test if leading part of text matches subtext without case-sensitivity. |
StrBufSize | Returns the maximum number of characters that can be stored in a buffer allocated by StrAlloc. |
StrByteType | Indicates whether a byte in a string is a single-byte character, the first byte of a double-byte character, or the second byte of a double-byte character. |
StrCat | Appends a copy of Source to the end of Dest and returns the concatenated string. |
StrCharLength | Returns the length, in bytes, of a character. |
StrComp | Compares two strings with case sensitivity. |
StrCopy | Copies a null-terminated string. |
StrDispose | Disposes of a string. |
StrECopy | Copies a null-terminated string. |
StrEnd | Returns a pointer to the end of a null-terminated string. |
StrFmt | Formats entries in an array. |
StrIComp | Compares two strings without case sensitivity. |
StringReplace | Replaces occurrences of a substring within a string. |
StrLCat | Appends up to a specified maximum number of characters to a string. |
StrLComp | Compares up to a specified maximum number of characters in two strings. |
StrLCopy | Copies up to a specified maximum number of characters from a source to a destination. |
StrLen | Returns the number of characters in a string, excluding the null terminator. |
StrLFmt | Formats a series of arguments from a specified open array into a buffer. |
StrLIComp | Compares strings up to a specified maximum number of characters, without case sensitivity. |
StrLower | Converts a string to lowercase. |
StrMove | Copies a specified number of characters to the string. |
StrNew | Allocates space on and copies a string to the heap, returning a pointer to the string. |
StrNextChar | Returns a pointer to the following character. |
StrPas | Converts null-terminated string to an AnsiString (long string). |
StrPCopy | Copies an AnsiString (long string) to a null-terminated string. |
StrPLCopy | Copies characters from an AnsiString (long string) to a null-terminated string. |
StrPos | Returns a pointer to the first occurrence of STR2 in STR1. |
StrRScan | Returns a pointer to the last occurrence of a specified character in a string. |
StrScan | Returns a pointer to the first occurrence of a specified character in a string. |
StrUpper | Returns a string in uppercase. |
StuffString | Replace segment of AnsiString with another one. |
TextPos | Returns a pointer to the first occurrence of a substring in a string. TextPos is case-insensitive. |
TextToFloat | Converts a null-terminated string to a floating-point value. |
Trim | Trim leading and trailing spaces and control characters. |
TrimLeft | Trim leading spaces and control characters. |
TrimRight | Trim trailing spaces and control characters. |
UpperCase | Convert all characters to upper case. |