System.Beacon.TBeaconAdvertiser Properties
AdvertiseGattInfo | public | Indicates whether the GATT server also advertises its own advertising data. |
BeaconType | public | Indicates the beacon type. |
DeviceType | public | Represents the beacon format that the device advertises. |
Disposed | protected | Disposed is a read-only property that shows the current state of this object. |
EddystoneInstance | public | Represents the Instance identifier for the EddystoneUID frame. |
EddystoneNamespace | public | Represents the Namespace identifier for the EddystoneUID frame. |
EddystoneURL | public | Represents the URL that the EddystoneURL frame broadcasts. |
GUID | public | Global unique identifier for a beacon device. |
IsAdvertising | public | Indicates whether the GATT server is advertising the proximity data associated with the beacon device. |
Major | public | Represents the Major ID value. |
ManufacturerId | public | Indicates the manufacturer ID. |
MFGReserved | public | Reserved for the implementation of special features. |
Minor | public | Indicates the Minor ID value. |
NamespaceGenerator | public | Represents the kind of generation for the EddystoneNamespace identifier. |
TxPower | public | Indicates the power transmission. |