System.Bluetooth.TBluetoothGattServer Events
OnCharacteristicRead | public | Occurs when your GATT server receives a request from a client device of the data of a characteristic. |
OnCharacteristicWrite | public | Occurs when your GATT server receives a request from a client device to edit the data of a characteristic. |
OnClientSubscribed | public | Occurs when a client subscribes to a characteristic of the GATT server. |
OnClientUnsubscribed | public | Occurs when a client unsubscribes from a characteristic of the GATT server. |
OnConnectedDevice | public | Occurs when a remote device connects to your GATT server. |
OnDisconnectDevice | public | Occurs when a remote device disconnects from your GATT server. |
OnServiceAdded | public | Occurs after a service is added to your GATT server as a result of a previous call to AddService. |