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function FileSize(var F: File): Integer;


Type Visibility Source Unit Parent
function public System.pas System System


Returns the number of records in a file.

In Delphi code, call FileSize to determine the size of the file specified by the file variable F. The size is expressed as the number of records in a record file. Thus:

  • If the file is declared as a file of byte, then the record size defaults to one byte, and FileSize returns the number of bytes in the file.
  • The Reset procedure can set the record size (in bytes) when it opens the file. In this case, FileSize returns the number of records in the file.

Note: If the file is declared as an untyped file and you do not specify a record size when you call Reset, then FileSize assumes a record size of 128. That is, FileSize gives the number of bytes divided by 128.

To use FileSize, the file must be open. If the file is empty, FileSize(F) returns 0.

See Also

Code Examples