System.Hash.THashSHA2 Methods

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CreatepublicCreates an instance of THashSHA2.
GetBlockSizepublicReturns the block size of this hash instance.
GetHashBytespublicCreates a hash digest from the specified input value and returns the value of the created digest as bytes.
GetHashBytesFromFilepublicCreates a hash digest from the specified file and returns the value of the created digest as bytes.
GetHashSizepublicReturns the size of this hash instance.
GetHashStringpublicCreates a hash digest from the provided input value and returns the value of the created digest as a hexadecimal String.
GetHashStringFromFilepublicCreates a hash digest from the specified file and returns the value of the created digest as a hexadecimal String.
GetHMACpublicReturns the value of the HMAC-suitable hash digest as a String.
GetHMACAsBytespublicReturns the value of the HMAC-suitable hash digest as bytes.
HashAsBytespublicReturns the hash value of this instance of THashSHA2 as bytes.
HashAsStringpublicReturns the hash value of this instance of THashSHA2 as a hexadecimal String.
ResetpublicResets the state of this instance of THashSHA2.
UpdatepublicUpdates the hash value of this instance of THashSHA2 with the provided data.