System.IOUtils.TPath Methods
ChangeExtension | public | Changes the extension of a file or directory indicated by the given path. |
Combine | public | Combines two paths strings. |
DriveExists | public | Checks whether the drive letter used in the given path actually exists. |
GetAlarmsPath | public | Returns the path to the directory where user alarm sound files are stored. |
GetAppPath | public | Returns the path to the directory where the currently running application module is stored. |
GetAttributes | public | Returns the file or directory attributes. |
GetCachePath | public | Returns the path to the directory where your application can store cache files. |
GetCameraPath | public | Returns the path to the directory where user pictures taken with a camera are stored. |
GetDesktopPath | public | Returns the path to the directory that represents an OS shell desktop. |
GetDirectoryName | public | Extracts drive and directory parts of a file name. |
GetDocumentsPath | public | Returns the path to the directory where user documents are stored. |
GetDownloadsPath | public | Returns the path to the directory where user stores downloaded files. |
GetExtendedPrefix | public | Returns the extended prefix type for a given path. |
GetExtension | public | Extracts the extension part of a file name. |
GetFileName | public | Extracts and returns the name and extension parts of a file name specified in FileName . |
GetFileNameWithoutExtension | public | Extracts the name part of a file name, without extension. |
GetFullPath | public | Returns the absolute path for a given path. |
GetGUIDFileName | public | Generates a new GUID that can be used as a unique file name. |
GetHomePath | public | Returns either the home path of the user or the application's writable scratch directory or storage. |
GetInvalidFileNameChars | public | |
GetInvalidPathChars | public | |
GetLibraryPath | public | Returns the path to a directory to store any data that your application needs store, regardless of the user, such as files, caches, resources, and preferences. |
GetMoviesPath | public | Returns the path to the directory where user movies are stored. |
GetMusicPath | public | Returns the path to the directory where user music is stored. |
GetPathRoot | public | Gets the root of the specified path. |
GetPicturesPath | public | Returns the path to the directory where user pictures are stored. |
GetPublicPath | public | Returns the path to the directory where you can store application data that can be shared with other applications. |
GetRandomFileName | public | Generates a new random file name. |
GetRingtonesPath | public | Returns the path to the directory where user ring tones are stored. |
GetSharedAlarmsPath | public | Returns the path to the directory where user shared alarm sound files are stored. |
GetSharedCameraPath | public | Returns the path to the directory where user shared pictures taken with a camera are stored. |
GetSharedDocumentsPath | public | Returns the path to the directory where documents shared between users are stored. |
GetSharedDownloadsPath | public | Returns the path to the directory where the user stores shared downloaded files. |
GetSharedMoviesPath | public | Returns the path to the directory where user shared movies are stored. |
GetSharedMusicPath | public | Returns the path to the directory where user shared music is stored. |
GetSharedPicturesPath | public | Returns the path to the directory where user shared pictures are stored. |
GetSharedRingtonesPath | public | Returns the path to the directory where user shared ring tones are stored. |
GetTempFileName | public | Generates a unique temporary file. |
GetTempPath | public | Returns the path to a directory to store temporary files. |
HasExtension | public | Checks whether a given file name has an extension part. |
HasValidFileNameChars | public | Checks whether a given file name contains only allowed characters. |
HasValidPathChars | public | Checks whether a given path string contains only allowed characters. |
IsDriveRooted | public | Checks whether a given path is absolute and starts with a drive letter. |
IsExtendedPrefixed | public | Checks whether a given path has an extended prefix. |
IsPathRooted | public | Checks whether a given path is relative or absolute. |
IsRelativePath | public | |
IsUNCPath | public | Checks whether a given path is in UNC (Universal Naming Convention) format. |
IsUNCRooted | public | Checks whether the given path is UNC-rooted, where UNC stands for Universal Naming Convention. |
IsValidFileNameChar | public | Checks whether a given character is allowed in a file name. |
IsValidPathChar | public | Checks whether a given character is allowed in a path string. |
MatchesPattern | public | Returns True if the FileName matches the specified Pattern . |
SetAttributes | public | Sets the file or directory attributes. |