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property SupportMultipleContent: Boolean read FSupportMultipleContent write FSupportMultipleContent;


__property bool SupportMultipleContent = {read=FSupportMultipleContent, write=FSupportMultipleContent, nodefault};


Type Visibility Source Unit Parent
property public
System.JSON.Readers TJsonReader


Gets or sets a value indicating whether multiple pieces of JSON content can be read from a continuous stream without erroring.

SupportMultipleContent type is boolean:

  • True: The reader supports reading multiple pieces of JSON content.
  • False: The reader does not support reading multiple pieces of JSON content.
Note: SupportMultipleContent is set to False by default.

When the reader finishes reading the JSON content, it calls the SetFinished method. If SupportMultipleContent is set to False the current state of the reader changes to Finished, if SupportMultipleContent is set to True the reader state changes to Start and the reader continues reading the remaining JSON content.

If SupportMultipleContent is set to False and there is additional JSON content to read, an exception raises:

Additional text encountered after finished reading JSON content: <next char> + <path> + <line> + <position within the line>.

See Also