Package | rtl290.bpl |
ENetHTTPCertificateException | Exception related to certificates. |
ENetHTTPClientException | Exception related to THTTPClient. |
ENetHTTPException | Exception related to the HTTP protocol. |
ENetHTTPRequestException | Exception related to THTTPRequest. |
ENetHTTPResponseException | Exception related to THTTPResponse. |
IHTTPRequest | Interface for classes that handle HTTP requests. |
IHTTPResponse | Interface for HTTPResponse. |
TCookieManager | Class to manage HTTP cookies. |
TCookies | Class that works as a container for cookies. |
THTTPClient | Class that implements a TURLClient |
THTTPRequest | Class that handles HTTP requests. |
THTTPResponse | Class that implements an IHTTPResponse. |
TCookie | Record type that stores the information related to cookies. |
TCookiesArray | Array of cookies. |
THTTPCompressionMethod | Specifies a compression method. |
THTTPCompressionMethods | Specifies a compression method. |
THTTPProtocolVersion | |
THTTPRedirectEvent | |
THTTPRedirectsWithGET | |
THTTPRedirectWithGET | |
THTTPSecureFailureReason | |
THTTPSecureFailureReasons | |
THTTPSecureProtocol | |
THTTPSecureProtocols | |
THTTPUpdateCookieEvent | |
TReceiveDataCallback | Signature of ReceiveData Callback. |
TReceiveDataEvent | Type of event handler for tracking the progress of data download. |
TReceiveDataExCallback | |
TReceiveDataExEvent | |
TSendDataCallback | Signature of SendData Callback. |
TSendDataEvent |
CHTTPDefMaxRedirects | CHTTPDefMaxRedirects: Integer = 5; |
CHTTPDefRedirectsWithGET | CHTTPDefRedirectsWithGET: Set = [Post301..Post303,Put303,Delete303]; |
CHTTPDefSecureProtocols | CHTTPDefSecureProtocols: Set = []; |
sHTTPMethodConnect | sHTTPMethodConnect: string = CONNECT; |
sHTTPMethodDelete | sHTTPMethodDelete: string = DELETE; |
sHTTPMethodGet | sHTTPMethodGet: string = GET; |
sHTTPMethodHead | sHTTPMethodHead: string = HEAD; |
sHTTPMethodMerge | sHTTPMethodMerge: string = MERGE; |
sHTTPMethodOptions | sHTTPMethodOptions: string = OPTIONS; |
sHTTPMethodPatch | sHTTPMethodPatch: string = PATCH; |
sHTTPMethodPost | sHTTPMethodPost: string = POST; |
sHTTPMethodPut | sHTTPMethodPut: string = PUT; |
sHTTPMethodTrace | sHTTPMethodTrace: string = TRACE; |