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function BeginConnect(const AsyncCallbackEvent: TAsyncCallbackEvent; const Name, Address, Service: string; Port: Word): IAsyncResult; overload;
function BeginConnect(const AsyncCallbackEvent: TAsyncCallbackEvent; const Endpoint: TNetEndpoint): IAsyncResult; overload;
function BeginConnect(const AsyncCallback: TAsyncCallback; const Name, Address, Service: string; Port: Word): IAsyncResult; overload;
function BeginConnect(const AsyncCallback: TAsyncCallback; const Endpoint: TNetEndpoint): IAsyncResult; overload;
function BeginConnect(const Name, Address, Service: string; Port: Word): IAsyncResult; overload; inline;
function BeginConnect(const Endpoint: TNetEndpoint): IAsyncResult; overload; inline;


System::Types::_di_IAsyncResult __fastcall BeginConnect(const System::Classes::TAsyncCallbackEvent AsyncCallbackEvent, const System::UnicodeString Name, const System::UnicodeString Address, const System::UnicodeString Service, System::Word Port)/* overload */;
System::Types::_di_IAsyncResult __fastcall BeginConnect(const System::Classes::TAsyncCallbackEvent AsyncCallbackEvent, const TNetEndpoint &Endpoint)/* overload */;
System::Types::_di_IAsyncResult __fastcall BeginConnect(const System::Classes::_di_TAsyncCallback AsyncCallback, const System::UnicodeString Name, const System::UnicodeString Address, const System::UnicodeString Service, System::Word Port)/* overload */;
System::Types::_di_IAsyncResult __fastcall BeginConnect(const System::Classes::_di_TAsyncCallback AsyncCallback, const TNetEndpoint &Endpoint)/* overload */;
System::Types::_di_IAsyncResult __fastcall BeginConnect(const System::UnicodeString Name, const System::UnicodeString Address, const System::UnicodeString Service, System::Word Port)/* overload */;
System::Types::_di_IAsyncResult __fastcall BeginConnect(const TNetEndpoint &Endpoint)/* overload */;


Type Visibility Source Unit Parent
function public
System.Net.Socket TSocket


Establishes a connection to the specified endpoint asynchronously.

In order to establish a direct connection, the type of your socket must be any of the following:

  • UDP
  • RAW
  • RDM
  • SEQ

Calls to BeginConnect return immediately and return an instance of a class that implements the IAsyncResult interface.

You may pass BeginConnect the following parameters:

  • AsyncCallbackEvent, an event handler of type TAsyncCallbackEvent that is called once a connection is established.
  • AsyncCallback, a method of type TAsyncCallback that is called once a connection is established.

To specify the target endpoint, you must provide either of the following combinations of parameters:

  • An endpoint (Endpoint).
  • An IP address (Address) and a service (Service). You may pass an empty word as Port, as Service is used to determine the port.
  • An IP address (Address) and a port (Port). Pass an empty string as Service, otherwise the specified service name is used to determine the port to use, and the specified port is ignored.

Once your callback event handler or method is called, pass EndConnect the returned instance of a class that implements the IAsyncResult interface, in order to establish a connection to the previously specified endpoint.

See Also