System.Rtti.TRttiClassRefType Properties
AsInstance | public | Casts the TRttiType instance to a TRttiInstanceType instance. |
AsOrdinal | public | Casts the TRttiType instance to a TRttiOrdinalType instance. |
AsRecord | public | Cast the TRttiType instance to a TRttiRecordType instance. |
AsSet | public | Casts the TRttiType instance to a TRttiSetType instance. |
BaseType | public | Specifies the base type. |
Disposed | protected | Disposed is a read-only property that shows the current state of this object. |
Handle | public | Specifies a pointer to a TTypeInfo structure. |
HFAElementCount | public | For internal use only. |
HFAElementType | public | For internal use only. |
InstanceType | public | Specifies the class type for the metaclass. |
IsHFA | public | For internal use only. |
IsInstance | public | Checks whether the TRttiType instance is actually a TRttiInstanceType instance. |
IsManaged | public | Specifies whether the reflected type is managed. |
IsOrdinal | public | Checks whether the TRttiType instance is actually a TRttiOrdinalType instance. |
IsPublicType | public | Checks whether the TRttiType instance reflects a public type. |
IsRecord | public | Checks whether the TRttiType instance is actually a TRttiRecordType instance. |
IsSet | public | Checks whether the TRttiType instance is actually a TRttiSetType instance. |
MetaclassType | public | Specifies the actual class reference. |
Name | public | Specifies the name of the reflected entity. |
Package | public | Specifies the package in which the reflected object is located. |
Parent | public | Specifies the parent RTTI object. |
QualifiedName | public | Specifies the qualified name of the reflected type. |
RttiDataSize | public | Specifies the size of the RTTI information block. |
TypeKind | public | Specifies the reflected type's kind. |
TypeSize | public | Specifies the size of the reflected type. |