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Package rtl290.bpl


EAbortEAbort is the exception class for errors that should not display an error message dialog box.
EAbstractErrorEAbstractError is the exception class for attempts to call an abstract method.
EAccessViolationEAccessViolation is the exception class for invalid memory access errors.
EArgumentExceptionEArgumentException is the exception raised for invalid argument values.
EArgumentNilExceptionThis exception is raised when a function argument is nil/NULL.
EArgumentOutOfRangeExceptionEArgumentOutOfRangeException is the exception raised for argument values that exceed an allowed range.
EAssertionFailedEAssertionFailed is the exception class for Delphi assertion failure.
EControlCEControlC is the exception class for user interruptions.
EConvertErrorEConvertError is the exception class for string and object conversion errors.
EDirectoryNotFoundExceptionThis exception is raised when a specified directory is not found.
EDivByZeroEDivByZero is the exception class for integer divide-by-zero errors.
EEncodingErrorEEncodingError is the exception class for encoding errors.
EExternalEExternal is the exception class that captures external error information.
EExternalExceptionEExternalException is the exception class for invalid exception codes.
EFileNotFoundExceptionThis exception is raised when a file is not found.
EHeapExceptionEHeapException is the exception class for errors related to heap-allocated memory.
EInOutErrorEInOutError is the exception class for file input/output errors.
EIntErrorEIntError is the base class for integer math error exceptions.
EIntfCastErrorEIntfCastError is the exception class for interface casting errors.
EIntOverflowEIntOverflow is the exception class for integer calculations whose results are too large to fit in the allocated register.
EInvalidCastEInvalidCast is an exception class for typecasting errors.
EInvalidContainerIndicates an invalid container.
EInvalidInsertIndicates an invalid insert.
EInvalidOpEInvalidOp is the exception class for undefined or invalid CPU instructions.
EInvalidOpExceptionThis exception is raised when an operand is invalid.
EInvalidPointerEInvalidPointer is the exception class for invalid pointer operations.
EListErrorEListError is the exception class for list and string errors.
EMathErrorEMathError is the base exception class for floating-point math errors.
EMonitorEMonitor is the base exception class for all monitor related exceptions.
EMonitorLockExceptionEMonitorLockException is the exception raised whenever a thread tries to release the lock on a non-owned monitor.
ENoConstructExceptionIndicates that an object should not be constructed.
ENoMonitorSupportExceptionENoMonitorSupportException is the exception raised when the monitor functionality is not available.
ENotImplementedThis exception indicates that an operation is not implemented.
ENotSupportedExceptionThis exception indicates that an operation is not supported because it is not implemented.
EOSErrorEOSError is the exception class for operating system errors.
EOutOfMemoryEOutOfMemory is the exception class for unsuccessful attempts to allocate memory.
EOverflowEOverflow is the exception class for floating-point register overflows.
EPackageErrorEPackageError is the exception class for package-related errors.
EPathTooLongExceptionIndicates that a path is longer than the system-defined maximum length.
EPrivilegeEPrivilege is the exception class for processor privilege violations.
EProgrammerNotFoundNonstandard way to indicate software faults.
EPropReadOnlyEPropReadOnly is the exception class for invalid attempts to write to a property using OLE automation.
EPropWriteOnlyEPropWriteOnly is the exception class for invalid attempts to read a property using OLE automation.
ERangeErrorERangeError indicates an integer range violation.
ESafecallExceptionESafecallException is the exception for problems with the safecall calling convention.
EStackOverflow (deprecated)EStackOverflow is the exception class for stack overflows.
EUnderflowEUnderflow is the exception class for values that are too small to be represented with a floating-point variable.
EVariantErrorEVariantError is the exception class for errors involving Variant data types.
EWin32Error (deprecated)EWin32Error is the exception class for Windows errors.
ExceptClassExceptClass declares an Exception class.
ExceptionException is the base class for all run-time exceptions.
EZeroDivideEZeroDivide is the exception class for floating-point divide-by-zero errors.
ILanguageEnumerableRepresents an enumerable collection of languages.
ILanguageEnumeratorEnumerator for a collection of languages.
IReadWriteSyncIReadWriteSync is the interface for general reader/writer lock synchronization.
TBigEndianUnicodeEncodingTBigEndianUnicodeEncoding is the class that provides support for big-endian Unicode (UTF-16) encoding.
TBooleanHelperTBooleanHelper is a record helper that provides functions for the Boolean type.
TByteBoolHelperTByteBoolHelper is a record helper that provides functions for the ByteBool type.
TByteHelperTByteHelper is a record helper that provides functions for the Byte type.
TCardinalHelperTCardinalHelper is a record helper that provides functions for the Cardinal type.
TDoubleHelperProvides support for performing low-level operations on single precision floating-point values.
TEncodingSystem.SysUtils.TEncoding defines a specific encoding for a character or a string.
TExtendedHelperProvides support for performing low-level operations on Extended precision floating-point values.
TGUIDHelperHelper type for TGUID.
TInt64HelperTInt64Helper is a record helper that provides functions for the Int64 type.
TIntegerHelperTIntegerHelper is a record helper that provides functions for the Integer type.
TLanguagesTLanguages lists all available Windows locales.
TLongBoolHelperTLongBoolHelper is a record helper that provides functions for the LongBool type.
TMBCSEncodingTMBCSEncoding is a base class for other MBCS (Multi-Byte Character Set) encoding classes.
TMREWSyncTMREWSync is a short name equivalent to TMultiReadExclusiveWriteSynchronizer.
TMultiReadExclusiveWriteSynchronizerTMultiReadExclusiveWriteSynchronizer protects memory in a multi-threaded application.
TShortIntHelperTShortIntHelper is a record helper that provides functions for the ShortInt type.
TSimpleRWSyncTSimpleRWSync provides the reader/writer lock synchronization support.
TSingleHelperProvides support for performing low-level operations on single precision floating-point values.
TSmallIntHelperTSmallIntHelper is a record helper that provides functions for the SmallInt type.
TStringBuilderAn editable array of characters whose content has all the functionality of a string object.
TStringHelperRecord helper that provides functions and properties for working with all strings, including both 1-based and 0-based strings.
TThreadLocalCounterFor Delphi RTL internal use.
TUInt64HelperTUInt64Helper is a record helper that provides functions for the UInt64 type.
TUnicodeEncodingTUnicodeEncoding is the class that provides support for Unicode (UTF-16) encoding.
TUTF7EncodingTUTF7Encoding is the class that provides support for UTF-7 encoding.
TUTF8EncodingTUTF8Encoding is the class that provides support for UTF-8 encoding.
TWordBoolHelperTWordBoolHelper is a record helper that provides functions for the WordBool type.
TWordHelperTWordHelper is a record helper that provides functions for the Word type.


AbortRaises a silent exception.
AddExitProcAdds a procedure to the exit list.
AddTerminateProcAdds a terminate procedure to the system list of termination procedures.
AdjustLineBreaksAdjustLineBreaks adjusts all line breaks in the given string to the indicated style.
AnsiCompareFileNameCompares file names, based on the current locale.
AnsiCompareStrCompares strings based on the current locale with case sensitivity.
AnsiCompareTextCompares strings based on the current locale without case sensitivity.
AnsiDequotedStrConverts a quoted string into an unquoted string.
AnsiExtractQuotedStrConverts a quoted string into an unquoted string.
AnsiLastCharReturns a pointer to the last character in a string.
AnsiLowerCaseReturns a string that is a copy of the given string converted to lowercase.
AnsiLowerCaseFileName (deprecated)Converts a file name to lowercase.
AnsiPosLocates the position of a substring.
AnsiQuotedStrReturns the quoted version of a string.
AnsiSameStrCompares strings based on the current locale with case sensitivity.
AnsiSameTextCompares strings based on the current locale without case sensitivity.
AnsiStrAlloc (deprecated)Allocates a buffer for a null-terminated AnsiString and returns a pointer to its first character.
AnsiStrCompCompares null-terminated character strings.
AnsiStrICompCompares null-terminated character strings case-insensitively.
AnsiStrLastCharReturns a pointer to the last character in a null-terminated string.
AnsiStrLCompCompares the first MaxLen bytes of two null-terminated strings, case-sensitively.
AnsiStrLICompCompares two strings, case-insensitively, up to the first MaxLen bytes.
AnsiStrLowerConverts all characters in a null-terminated string to lowercase.
AnsiStrPosReturns a pointer to the first occurrence of a substring.
AnsiStrRScanReturns a pointer to the last occurrence of a specified character in a specified string.
AnsiStrScanReturns a pointer to the first occurrence of a character in a string.
AnsiStrUpperConverts all characters in a null-terminated string to uppercase.
AnsiUpperCaseConverts a string to uppercase.
AnsiUpperCaseFileName (deprecated)Converts a file name to uppercase.
AppendStr (deprecated)Appends a dynamically allocated string to an existing string.
AssignStr (deprecated)Assigns a new dynamically allocated string to a specified pointer.
BeepGenerates a message beep.
BoolToStrConverts a Boolean value into a string.
ByteLengthReturns the length of a given string in bytes.
BytesOfConverts a string into a byte array.
ByteToCharIndex (deprecated)Returns the position of the character that contains a specified byte in a string.
ByteToCharLen (deprecated)Returns the number of characters fully contained in the first MaxLen bytes of a string.
ByteTypeIndicates whether a byte in a string is a single-byte character, the first byte of a double-byte character, or the second byte of a double-byte character.
CallTerminateProcsCalls all of the functions in the termination procedure list.
ChangeFileExtChanges the extension of a file name.
ChangeFilePathChanges the path of a file name.
CharInSetCharInSet checks whether a given character is contained within a set of AnsiChar.
CharLengthReturns the number of bytes used by character.
CharToByteIndex (deprecated)Returns the 1-based index of the first byte of a specified character in a string.
CharToByteLen (deprecated)Returns the length, in bytes, of the first MaxLen characters of a string.
CharToElementIndexReturns the 1-based index of the first element of a specified character in a string.
CharToElementLenReturns the length, in bytes, of the first MaxLen characters of a string.
CheckOSErrorChecks an OS error.
CheckWin32VersionCheck to see whether you are running on a specific level (or higher) of the Windows 32 bit Operating System.
CompareMemPerforms a binary comparison of two memory images.
CompareStrCompares two strings, with case sensitivity.
CompareTextCompares two strings by their ordinal value, without case sensitivity.
CreateDirCreates a new directory.
CreateGUIDCreates a globally unique identifier.
CurrentYearReturns the current year.
CurrToStrFormats a Currency value as a string.
CurrToStrFConverts a Currency value to a string, using a specified format.
DateReturns the current date.
DateTimeFormatToNativeThis method converts the date and time format string.
DateTimeToFileDateConverts a TDateTime value into an OS timestamp value.
DateTimeToStrConverts a TDateTime value to a string, using the local settings for displaying date and time.
DateTimeToStringConverts a TDateTime value into a string, using a specified Format.
DateTimeToSystemTimeConverts a TDateTime value into the Win32 API's system time type.
DateTimeToTimeStampConverts a TDateTime value into the corresponding TTimeStamp value.
DateToStrConverts a TDateTime value into a string.
DayOfWeekReturns the day of the week for a specified date.
DecodeDateReturns Year, Month, and Day values for a TDateTime value.
DecodeDateFullyReturns Year, Month, and Day, and Day-of-Week values for a TDateTime value.
DecodeTimeBreaks a TDateTime value into hours, minutes, seconds, and milliseconds.
DelegatesEqualDelegatesEqual checks whether two delegates are equal.
DeleteFileDeletes a file from disk.
DirectoryExistsDetermines whether a specified directory exists.
DiskFreeReturns the number of free bytes on a specified drive.
DiskSizeReturns the size, in bytes, of a specified drive.
DisposeStr (deprecated)Disposes of a string pointer that was allocated using NewStr.
ElementToCharIndexReturns the position of the character that contains a specified element in a string.
ElementToCharLenReturns the number of characters fully contained in the first MaxLen elements of a string.
EncodeDateReturns a TDateTime value that represents a specified Year, Month, and Day.
EncodeTimeReturns a TDateTime value for a specified Hour, Min, Sec, and MSec.
ExceptionErrorMessageFormats a standard error message.
ExcludeTrailingBackslashReturns a path name without a trailing delimiter. Note: This function is included for backward compatibility only. System.SysUtils.ExcludeTrailingPathDelimiter should be used instead.
ExcludeTrailingPathDelimiterReturns a path name without a trailing delimiter.
ExpandFileNameReturns the full path name for a relative file name.
ExpandFileNameCaseReturns the full path name for a relative file name on a case-sensitive file system.
ExpandUNCFileNameReturns the full path of a file name in UNC format, if appropriate.
ExtractFileDirExtracts the drive and directory parts from FileName.
ExtractFileDriveReturns the drive portion of a file name.
ExtractFileExtReturns the extension portions of a file name.
ExtractFileNameExtracts the name and extension parts of a file name.
ExtractFilePathReturns the drive and directory portions of a file name.
ExtractRelativePathReturns a relative path name, relative to a specific base directory.
ExtractShortPathNameConverts a file name to the short 8.3 form.
FileAgeReturns the OS time stamp of a file.
FileCloseCloses a specified file.
FileCreateCreates a new file.
FileCreateSymLinkFileCreateSymLink creates a symbolic link.
FileDateToDateTimeConverts an OS time stamp value to TDateTime value.
FileExistsTests whether a specified file exists.
FileGetAttrReturns the file attributes of FileName.
FileGetDateReturns an OS time stamp for a specified file.
FileGetDateTimeInfoFileGetDateTimeInfo returns the time stamp of the specified file.
FileGetSymLinkTargetReturns information about a symbolic link's target.
FileIsReadOnlyReports whether a file is read-only.
FileOpenFileOpen opens a specified file using a specified access mode.
FileReadReads a specified number of bytes from a file.
FileSearchSearches a specified directory path for a file. The search always starts with the current directory of the current drive.
FileSeekRepositions read/write point.
FileSetAttrSets the file attributes of a specified file.
FileSetDateSets the OS time stamp for a specified file.
FileSetReadOnlySets the file permissions to read-only.
FileSystemAttributesReturns the attributes of a file system.
FileWriteWrites the contents of a buffer to the current position in a file.
FinalizePackageFinalizes the specified package (.bpl file).
FindCloseReleases memory allocated by FindFirst.
FindCmdLineSwitchDetermines whether a string was passed as a command-line argument to the application.
FindDelimiterReturns the index of a delimiter character in the given string.
FindFirstSearches for the first instance of a file name with a given set of attributes in a specified directory.
FindNextReturns the next entry matching the name and attributes specified in a previous call to FindFirst.
FloatToCurrConverts a floating-point value to a Currency value.
FloatToDateTimeConverts a floating-point value to a TDateTime value.
FloatToDecimalConverts a floating-point value to a decimal representation.
FloatToStrConverts a floating-point value to a string.
FloatToStrFConverts a floating point Value to a string, using a specified Format, Precision, and Digits.
FloatToTextConverts a floating-point value to an unterminated character string, using a specified Format, Precision, and Digits.
FloatToTextFmtConverts a floating-point value to an unterminated character string, using a specified format.
FmtLoadStrReturns formatted output using a resourced format string.
FmtStrAssembles a formatted string using a format string and an array of arguments.
ForceDirectoriesCreates a new directory, including the creation of parent directories as needed.
FormatReturns a formatted string assembled from a format string and an array of arguments.
FormatBufFormats the arguments from an array, placing the result in a buffer.
FormatCurrFormats a Currency object.
FormatDateTimeFormats a TDateTime value.
FormatFloatFormats a floating-point value.
FreeAndNilFrees an object reference and replaces the reference with nil (Delphi) or NULL (C++).
GDALGet Delphi Access Licence.
GetCurrentDirReturns the name of the current directory.
GetDefaultFallbackLanguagesGetDefaultFallbackLanguages returns the current DefaultFallbackLanguages string.
GetEnvironmentVariableRetrieves an environment variable value.
GetFileVersionReturns file version.
GetFormatSettingsResets the date and number format parameters to initial values.
GetHomePathReturns the path to the home of application's writable scratch directory or storage. Note: Do not use this method for new development. In particular, if you are doing multi-device development, we recommend that you use the more platform-agnostic implementation, System.IOUtils.TPath.GetHomePath.
GetLocaleCharRetrieves the first character of a localization value.
GetLocaleDirectoryReturns the fully qualified name of the locale directory that corresponds to one of the preferred UI languages.
GetLocaleFileReturns a fully qualified path that indicates a locale file. The path is constructed with the supplied filename and the preferred UI language subdirectories.
GetLocaleFormatSettings (deprecated)Initializes a TFormatSettings record (deprecated, use TFormatSettings.Create).
GetLocaleStrRetrieves a localization value.
GetModuleNameReturns the fully qualified name of a module, given its handle.
GetPackageDescriptionReturns the description resource of a package.
GetPackageInfoEnumerates all the units and required packages for a package.
GetProductVersionRetrieves the version information of the product with which a file specified as AFileName was first distributed.
GetTimeReturns the current time.
GUIDToStringConverts a class identifier GUID into a string.
HashNameHashName generates a hash code from a null-terminated string.
IncAMonthIncrements date information by one month.
IncludeTrailingBackslashEnsures that a path name ends with delimiter. Note: This function is included for backward compatibility only. System.SysUtils.IncludeTrailingPathDelimiter should be used instead.
IncludeTrailingPathDelimiterEnsures that path name ends with a delimiter.
IncMonthReturns a date shifted by a specified number of months.
InitializePackageValidates and initializes a given package.
IntToHexReturns the hex representation of an ordinal number.
IntToStrConverts an integer to a string.
IsAssemblyDetermines whether a dll is an Assembly.
IsDelimiterIndicates whether a specified character in a string matches one of a set of delimiters.
IsEqualGUIDIndicates whether two TGUID values are the same.
IsLeadCharChecks whether a character is a valid lead character (first in a multi-byte character sequence).
IsLeapYearIndicates whether a specified year is a leap year.
IsPathDelimiterIndicates whether the character at a specified position in a string is a path delimiter.
IsRelativePathIndicates whether the specified path is a relative path.
IsValidIdentDetermines whether a string conforms to Delphi identifier rules.
LanguagesLists the locales for which support is available.
LastDelimiterReturns the index of the last character that matches any character in a specified set of delimiters.
LCIDToCodePageRetrieves the ANSI code page associated with a given locale identifier.
LoadPackageLoads a specified package.
LoadStrLoads a string resource from the application's executable file.
LocaleDirectoryExistsReturns a Boolean value that indicates whether the specified directory exists with preferred UI language subdirectories.
LocaleFileExistsReturns a Boolean value that indicates whether the specified file exists with preferred UI language subdirectories.
LowerCaseConverts an ASCII string to lowercase.
MSecsToTimeStampConverts a specified number of milliseconds into a TTimeStamp value.
NativeToDateTimeFormatThis method converts a native OS representation of a date and time format string into a Delphi representation.
NewStr (deprecated)Allocates a string on the heap.
NextCharIndexReturns the byte index of the next character.
NowReturns the current date and time.
OutOfMemoryErrorRaises an EOutOfMemory exception.
PlatformBytesOfConverts a string into a byte array.
PlatformStringOfConverts a byte array into a Unicode string.
PreferredUILanguageListPreferredUILanguageList returns a list that contains the preferred UI languages.
PreferredUILanguagesPreferredUILanguages returns the preferred UI languages for user default UI languages at run time.
QuotedStrReturns the quoted version of a string.
RaiseLastOSErrorRaises an exception for the last occurring OS or system library error.
RaiseLastWin32Error (deprecated)Raises an exception for the last occurring Win32 error.
RCSCheck for Delphi Client/Server Licence.
RemoveDirDeletes an existing empty directory.
RenameFileChanges a file name.
ReplaceDateReplaces the date portion of a TDateTime value with a specified date.
ReplaceTimeReplaces the time portion of a TDateTime value with a specified time.
RPRCheck for Delphi Professional Licence.
SafeLoadLibrarySafe and simple library loading function.
SameFileNameCompares file names based on the current locale.
SameStrCompares two strings by ordinal value with case sensitivity.
SameTextCompares two strings by ordinal value without case sensitivity.
SetCurrentDirSets the current directory.
SetDefaultFallbackLanguagesSetDefaultFallbackLanguages sets a new list of default fallback languages.
ShowExceptionDisplays an exception message with its physical address.
SleepDelay program execution for a specified number of milliseconds.
StrAllocAllocates a buffer for a null-terminated string and returns a pointer to its first character.
StrBufSizeReturns the maximum number of characters that can be stored in a buffer allocated by StrAlloc.
StrByteTypeIndicates whether a byte in a string is a single-byte character, the first byte of a double-byte character, or the second byte of a double-byte character.
StrCatAppends a copy of Source to the end of Dest and returns the concatenated string.
StrCharLengthReturns the length, in bytes, of a character.
StrCompCompares two strings with case sensitivity.
StrCopyCopies a null-terminated string.
StrDisposeDisposes of a string.
StrECopyCopies a null-terminated string.
StrEndReturns a pointer to the end of a null-terminated string.
StrFmtFormats entries in an array.
StrICompCompares two strings without case sensitivity.
StringOfConverts a byte array into a Unicode string using the default system locale.
StringReplaceReplaces occurrences of a substring within a string.
StringToGUIDConverts a string into a GUID.
StrLCatAppends up to a specified maximum number of characters to a string.
StrLCompCompares up to a specified maximum number of characters in two strings.
StrLCopyCopies up to a specified maximum number of characters from a source to a destination.
StrLenReturns the number of characters in a string, excluding the null terminator.
StrLFmtFormats a series of arguments from a specified open array into a buffer.
StrLICompCompares strings up to a specified maximum number of characters, without case sensitivity.
StrLowerConverts a string to lowercase.
StrMoveCopies a specified number of characters to the string.
StrNewAllocates space on and copies a string to the heap, returning a pointer to the string.
StrNextCharReturns a pointer to the following character.
StrPasConverts null-terminated string to an AnsiString (long string).
StrPCopyCopies an AnsiString (long string) to a null-terminated string.
StrPLCopyCopies characters from an AnsiString (long string) to a null-terminated string.
StrPosReturns a pointer to the first occurrence of STR2 in STR1.
StrRScanReturns a pointer to the last occurrence of a specified character in a string.
StrScanReturns a pointer to the first occurrence of a specified character in a string.
StrToBoolConverts a string to a Boolean value.
StrToBoolDefConverts a string to a Boolean value, with error default.
StrToCurrConverts a string to a Currency value.
StrToCurrDefConverts a string to a Currency value, with default error.
StrToDateConverts a string to a TDateTime value.
StrToDateDefConverts a string to a TDateTime value, with default error.
StrToDateTimeConverts a string to a TDateTime value.
StrToDateTimeDefConverts a string to a TDateTime value, with a default error.
StrToFloatConverts a given string to a floating-point value.
StrToFloatDefConverts a given string into a floating-point value, with a default error.
StrToIntConverts a string that represents an integer (decimal or hex notation) into a number.
StrToInt64Converts a string that represents an integer (decimal or hex notation) into a number.
StrToInt64DefConverts a string that represents an integer (decimal or hex notation) into a number.
StrToIntDefConverts a string that represents an integer (decimal or hex notation) into a number with error default.
StrToTimeConverts a string to a TDateTime value.
StrToTimeDefConverts a string to a TDateTime value, with a default error.
StrToUInt64Converts a string that represents an integer (decimal or hex notation) into a number.
StrToUInt64DefConverts a string that represents an integer (decimal or hex notation) into a number.
StrUpperReturns a string in uppercase.
SupportsIndicates whether a given object or interface supports a specified interface.
SysErrorMessageConverts OS error codes into strings.
SystemTimeToDateTimeConverts a system time value into a TDateTime value.
TextPosReturns a pointer to the first occurrence of a substring in a string. TextPos is case-insensitive.
TextToFloatConverts a null-terminated string to a floating-point value.
TimeReturns the current time.
TimeStampToDateTimeConverts a TTimeStamp value into the corresponding TDateTime value.
TimeStampToMSecsConverts a TTimeStamp value into an absolute number of milliseconds.
TimeToStrReturns a string that represents a TDateTime value.
TrimTrims leading and trailing spaces and control characters from a string.
TrimLeftTrimLeft removes blank and control characters from the left side of a string.
TrimRightTrimRight removes blank and control characters from the right side of a string.
TryEncodeDateCreates a TDateTime value that represents a specified Year, Month, and Day.
TryEncodeTimeCreates a TDateTime value for a specified Hour, Min, Sec, and MSec.
TryFloatToCurrConverts a floating-point value into a Currency value.
TryFloatToDateTimeConverts a floating-point value into a TDateTime value.
TryStrToBoolConverts a string to a Boolean value, with a Boolean success code.
TryStrToCurrConverts a string to a Currency value, with a Boolean success code.
TryStrToDateConverts a string to a TDateTime value, with a Boolean success code.
TryStrToDateTimeConverts a string to a TDateTime value, with a Boolean success code.
TryStrToFloatConverts a given string to a floating-point value, with a Boolean success code.
TryStrToIntConverts a string that represents an integer (decimal or hex notation) into a number with Boolean success code.
TryStrToInt64Converts a string that represents an integer (decimal or hex notation) into a number.
TryStrToTimeConverts a string to a TDateTime value with a default error.
TryStrToUInt64Converts a string that represents an integer (decimal or hex notation) into a number.
TrySystemTimeToDateTimeConverts a system time value into a TDateTime value.
UIntToStrConverts an unsigned integer into a string.
UnloadPackageUnloads a package.
UpperCaseReturns a copy of a string in uppercase.
WideBytesOfConverts a Unicode string into an array of bytes.
WideCompareStrCompares Unicode strings based on the current locale with case sensitivity.
WideCompareTextCompares Unicode strings based on the current locale without case sensitivity.
WideFmtStrAssembles a formatted Unicode string using a format string and an array of arguments.
WideFormatReturns a formatted Unicode string assembled from a format string and an array of arguments.
WideFormatBufFormats the arguments from an array, placing the result in a buffer.
WideLowerCaseReturns Unicode string converted to lowercase.
WideSameStrCompares Unicode strings based on the current locale with case sensitivity.
WideSameTextCompares Unicode strings based on the current locale without case sensitivity.
WideStrAllocAllocates a buffer for a null-terminated wide string and returns a pointer to its first character.
WideStringOfConverts a byte array into a Unicode string using the Unicode locale.
WideUpperCaseReturns Unicode string converted to uppercase.
Win32BuildNumberSpecifies the build level of the Windows Operating System operating.
Win32CheckChecks the return value of a Windows API call and raises an appropriate exception when it indicates failure.
Win32CSDVersionSpecifies the Win32 latest installed service pack.
Win32MajorVersionSpecifies which major Windows Operating System version is operating.
Win32MinorVersionSpecifies which minor Windows Operating System version is operating.
Win32PlatformSpecifies the Windows Operating System platform identifier.
WrapTextInserts a line break into a string as its length approaches a specified size.


Int64RecInt64Rec declares a utility record to provide access to the bytes of an Int64 value.
LongRecLongRec declares a utility record to provide access to the bytes of a LongWord value.
PByteArrayPByteArray declares a pointer to an array of Bytes.
PDayTablePDayTable is a pointer to a TDayTable type.
PExceptionRecordPointer to a TExceptionRecord type.
PThreadInfoPointer to a TThreadInfo.
PWordArrayPWordArray is a pointer to a TWordArray type.
TArchitecturesSpecifies a set of CPU architectures.
TByteArrayTByteArray declares an array of Bytes.
TBytesTBytes declares an array of Bytes.
TCharArrayTCharArray declares an array of characters.
TCharSearchCharacter search result.
TCmdLineSwitchTypeDefines the ways command-line parameters can be specified in the command line.
TCmdLineSwitchTypesIs a set of TCmdLineSwitchType constants.
TDateTimeInfoRecTDateTime utility tool box.
TDayTableTDayTable is used to hold the number of days of each month of a year.
TFileNameTFileName is a string that represents a file name.
TFilenameCaseMatchTFilenameCaseMatch indicates how close a match was found to a specified file name.
TFileSystemAttributeEnumerates the attributes specific to a file system.
TFileSystemAttributesRepresents a set of TFileSystemAttribute values.
TFloatFormatTFloatFormat is an enumerated list of formatting codes for float functions.
TFloatRecTFloatRec declares a utility record that provides access to the attributes of a floating-point number.
TFloatValueTFloatValue is an enumeration of two basic floating-point types.
TFormatSettingsTFormatSettings defines a thread-safe string formatting context.
TFuncTFunc declares a reference to a generic function.
TIntegerSetTIntegerSet is used to treat an integer as a set of bits.
TLangRecTLangRec declares a record used to describe a Windows locale.
TLocaleIDLocale identifier.
TLocaleOptionsTLocaleOptions defines a choice of dependent and independent locale options.
TMarshallerTMarshaller is a record that facilitates working with memory buffers.
TMbcsByteTypeTMbcsByteType represents the use of a single byte in a string that uses a multi-byte character set (MBCS).
TNameTypeTNameType enumerates the types of names reported to TPackageInfoProc routines.
TOSVersionDescribes the current operating system: platform and version.
TPackageInfoProcTPackageInfoProc is a callback procedure invoked by GetPackageInfo.
TPlatformsSpecifies a set of OS platforms.
TPredicateTPredicate declares a reference to a generic function that behaves as a logical predicate.
TProcTProc declares a reference to a generic procedure.
TProcedureTProcedure declares a procedure.
TReplaceFlagsTReplaceFlags indicates how to perform a search-and-replace operation.
TSearchRecTSearchRec defines file information searched for by FindFirst or FindNext.
TStringSplitOptionsTStringSplitOptions controls the behavior of the TStringHelper.Split method.
TSymLinkRecTSymLinkRec is used to store information about symbolic link files.
TSysCharSetTSysCharSet is a set of characters.
TSysLocaleTSysLocale represents locale information.
TTerminateProcTTerminateProc is a call-back function invoked by CallTerminateProcs.
TThreadInfoFor internal use.
TTimeStampTTimeStamp represents time and date values.
TUncertainStateA variable of type TUncertainState can have 3 possible values: Yes, No, and Maybe.
TValidatePackageProcTValidatePackageProc is a call-back function invoked by LoadPackage.
TWordArrayTWordArray declares an array of Words.
WordRecWordRec declares a utility record to store the high and low order bytes of a variable.


EmptyAnsiStrAn empty string constant
EmptyStrA variable containing an empty string.
EmptyWideStrAn empty string version of the WideString constant.
FalseBoolStrsLists strings that can represent the Boolean value of False.
FormatSettingsDefault format settings.
GetDiskFreeSpaceExReturns information about the space available on a disk volume.
HexDisplayPrefixHexDisplayPrefix contains the prefix to display on hexadecimal values--$ for Pascal (Delphi) syntax, 0x for C++ syntax.
LeadBytesLists all values that can be the first byte of a double-byte character on the local system.
MaxCurrencyDefines the largest value supported for Currency data types on the Windows operating system.
MaxDateTimeSpecifies the highest supported TDateTime value.
MinCurrencyDefines the largest negative value that can be held by a Currency data variable on the Windows operating system.
MinDateTimeSpecifies the earliest supported TDateTime value.
MonthDaysDefines the number of days in each month for normal and leap years.
NullAnsiStrPointer to the empty ANSI string constant.
NullStrA pointer to an empty string.
NullWideStrA pointer to an empty wide string.
SysLocaleSysLocale holds locale information.
TrueBoolStrsLists strings that can represent the Boolean value of True.


CDefaultTwoDigitYearCenturyWindowCDefaultTwoDigitYearCenturyWindow: Integer = $32;
DateDeltaDateDelta: Integer = $A955A;
DefaultFalseBoolStrDefaultFalseBoolStr: string = False;
DefaultTrueBoolStrDefaultTrueBoolStr: string = True;
DriveDelimDriveDelim: Char = $3A;
faAnyFilefaAnyFile: Integer = $1FF;
faArchivefaArchive: Integer = $20;
faCompressedfaCompressed: Integer = $800;
faDirectoryfaDirectory: Integer = $10;
faEncryptedfaEncrypted: Integer = $4000;
faHiddenfaHidden: Integer = 2;
faInvalidfaInvalid: Integer = $FFFFFFFF;
faNormalfaNormal: Integer = $80;
faReadOnlyfaReadOnly: Integer = 1;
faSymLinkfaSymLink: Integer = $400;
faSysFilefaSysFile: Integer = 4;
faTemporaryfaTemporary: Integer = $100;
faVirtualfaVirtual: Integer = $10000;
faVolumeIDfaVolumeID: Integer = 8;
fmExclusivefmExclusive: Integer = 4;
fmOpenReadfmOpenRead: Integer = 0;
fmOpenReadWritefmOpenReadWrite: Integer = 2;
fmOpenWritefmOpenWrite: Integer = 1;
fmShareCompatfmShareCompat: Integer = 0;
fmShareDenyNonefmShareDenyNone: Integer = $40;
fmShareDenyReadfmShareDenyRead: Integer = $30;
fmShareDenyWritefmShareDenyWrite: Integer = $20;
fmShareExclusivefmShareExclusive: Integer = $10;
HoursPerDayHoursPerDay: Integer = $18;
MinsPerDayMinsPerDay: Integer = $5A0;
MinsPerHourMinsPerHour: Integer = $3C;
MSecsPerDayMSecsPerDay: Integer = $5265C00;
MSecsPerSecMSecsPerSec: Integer = $3E8;
PathDelimPathDelim: Char = $5C;
PathSepPathSep: Char = $3B;
pfBCB4ProducedpfBCB4Produced: Integer = $8000000;
pfConsumerBCBpfConsumerBCB: Integer = $200000;
pfConsumerCompatpfConsumerCompat: Integer = 0;
pfConsumerDelphipfConsumerDelphi: Integer = $100000;
pfConsumerMaskpfConsumerMask: Integer = $F00000;
pfDelphi4ProducedpfDelphi4Produced: Integer = $C000000;
pfDesignOnlypfDesignOnly: Integer = 2;
pfExeModulepfExeModule: Integer = 0;
pfIgnoreDupUnitspfIgnoreDupUnits: Integer = 8;
pfLibraryModulepfLibraryModule: Integer = $80000000;
pfModuleTypeMaskpfModuleTypeMask: Integer = $C0000000;
pfNeverBuildpfNeverBuild: Integer = 1;
pfPackageModulepfPackageModule: Integer = $40000000;
pfProducerMaskpfProducerMask: Integer = $C000000;
pfProducerUndefinedpfProducerUndefined: Integer = $4000000;
pfRunOnlypfRunOnly: Integer = 4;
pfV3ProducedpfV3Produced: Integer = 0;
SecsPerDaySecsPerDay: Integer = $15180;
SecsPerHourSecsPerHour: Integer = $E10;
SecsPerMinSecsPerMin: Integer = $3C;
SwitchCharsSwitchChars: Set = ['-','/'];
ufImplicitUnitufImplicitUnit: Integer = $10;
ufMainUnitufMainUnit: Integer = 1;
ufOrgWeakUnitufOrgWeakUnit: Integer = 8;
ufPackageUnitufPackageUnit: Integer = 2;
ufWeakPackageUnitufWeakPackageUnit: Integer = 6;
ufWeakUnitufWeakUnit: Integer = 4;
UnixDateDeltaUnixDateDelta: Integer = $63E1;