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procedure StartManagersAutoConnect(Timeout: Cardinal; const ATargetList: TTetheringTargetHosts;
const AProfileGroups, AProfileTexts: TArray<string>); overload; virtual;
procedure StartManagersAutoConnect(const ATargetList: TTetheringTargetHosts); overload;


virtual void __fastcall StartManagersAutoConnect(unsigned Timeout, const TTetheringTargetHosts ATargetList, const System::DynamicArray<System::UnicodeString> AProfileGroups, const System::DynamicArray<System::UnicodeString> AProfileTexts)/* overload */;
void __fastcall StartManagersAutoConnect(const TTetheringTargetHosts ATargetList)/* overload */;


Type Visibility Source Unit Parent
System.Tether.Manager TTetheringAdapter


Calls DoDiscoverManagers to start the discovery of remote managers for automatic connection to the Manager of the adapter. TTetheringManager.AutoConnect calls StartManagersAutoConnect on each registered adapter.

StartManagersAutoConnect accepts two parameters:

  • Timeout (Optional): Time in milliseconds that the discovery should last before each adapter registers in this manager any discovered remote manager. If you do not specify it, StartManagersAutoConnect uses an adapter-specific value.
  • ATargetList: You can specify a list of one or more targets for the discovery.
    • For network adapters, ATargetList can be a list of IP adresses or subnets. If you pass an empty string as ATargetList, the adapter will search for managers on the local network.
    • For Bluetooth adapters, ATargetList can be a list of Bluetooth device names or Bluetooth MAC addresses. If you pass an empty string as ATargetList, the adapter will search for managers from the list of paired devices.

StartManagersAutoConnect creates a timer that calls AutoConnectEndManagersTimer after the specified TimeOut.

See Also