System.TimeSpan.TTimeSpan Methods
_op_Addition | public | Function to add two TTimeSpan records. |
_op_Equality | public | Function to determine the equality of two TTimespan values. |
_op_GreaterThan | public | Overloaded > operator. |
_op_GreaterThanOrEqual | public | Overloaded >= operator. |
_op_Inequality | public | Overloaded <> operator. |
_op_LessThan | public | Overloaded < operator. |
_op_LessThanOrEqual | public | Overloaded <= operator. |
_op_Subtraction | public | Overloaded - operator. |
_op_UnaryNegation | public | Overloaded unary - operator. |
_op_UnaryPlus | public | Overloaded unary + operator. |
Add | public | Adds the time span given through the parameter to the current time span. |
Create | public | Creates and initializes a TTimeSpan instance. |
Duration | public | Returns the positive value of a time span. |
FromDays | public | Returns a time span equivalent to the number of days given through the parameter. |
FromHours | public | Returns a time span equivalent to the number of hours given through the parameter. |
FromMilliseconds | public | Returns a time span equivalent to the number of milliseconds given through the parameter. |
FromMinutes | public | Returns a time span equivalent to the number of minutes given through the parameter. |
FromSeconds | public | Returns a time span equivalent to the number of seconds given through the parameter. |
FromTicks | public | Returns a time span equivalent to the number of ticks given through the parameter. |
Negate | public | Returns the negated value of a time span. |
operator () | public | Function to convert a TTimeSpan to a UnicodeString. |
operator + | public | |
operator - | public | |
operator Addition | public | Overloaded + operator. |
operator Equality | public | Overloaded = operator. |
operator Explicit | public | Overloaded explicit cast operator. |
operator GreaterThan | public | Overloaded > operator. |
operator GreaterThanOrEqual | public | Overloaded >= operator. |
operator Implicit | public | Overloaded implicit cast operator. |
operator Inequality | public | Overloaded <> operator. |
operator LessThan | public | Overloaded < operator. |
operator LessThanOrEqual | public | Overloaded <= operator. |
operator Subtraction | public | Overloaded - operator. |
operator UnaryNegation | public | Overloaded unary - operator. |
operator UnaryPlus | public | Overloaded unary + operator. |
Parse | public | Transforms a string into a TTimeSpan object. |
Subtract | public | Subtracts the time span given through the parameter from the current time span. |
ToString | public | Use ToString to convert a TTimeSpan object into a string value. |
TryParse | public | Transforms a string into a TTimeSpan object. |