System.TimeSpan.TTimeSpan Methods

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_op_AdditionpublicFunction to add two TTimeSpan records.
_op_EqualitypublicFunction to determine the equality of two TTimespan values.
_op_GreaterThanpublicOverloaded > operator.
_op_GreaterThanOrEqualpublicOverloaded >= operator.
_op_InequalitypublicOverloaded <> operator.
_op_LessThanpublicOverloaded < operator.
_op_LessThanOrEqualpublicOverloaded <= operator.
_op_SubtractionpublicOverloaded - operator.
_op_UnaryNegationpublicOverloaded unary - operator.
_op_UnaryPluspublicOverloaded unary + operator.
AddpublicAdds the time span given through the parameter to the current time span.
CreatepublicCreates and initializes a TTimeSpan instance.
DurationpublicReturns the positive value of a time span.
FromDayspublicReturns a time span equivalent to the number of days given through the parameter.
FromHourspublicReturns a time span equivalent to the number of hours given through the parameter.
FromMillisecondspublicReturns a time span equivalent to the number of milliseconds given through the parameter.
FromMinutespublicReturns a time span equivalent to the number of minutes given through the parameter.
FromSecondspublicReturns a time span equivalent to the number of seconds given through the parameter.
FromTickspublicReturns a time span equivalent to the number of ticks given through the parameter.
NegatepublicReturns the negated value of a time span.
operator ()publicFunction to convert a TTimeSpan to a UnicodeString.
operator +public
operator -public
operator AdditionpublicOverloaded + operator.
operator EqualitypublicOverloaded = operator.
operator ExplicitpublicOverloaded explicit cast operator.
operator GreaterThanpublicOverloaded > operator.
operator GreaterThanOrEqualpublicOverloaded >= operator.
operator ImplicitpublicOverloaded implicit cast operator.
operator InequalitypublicOverloaded <> operator.
operator LessThanpublicOverloaded < operator.
operator LessThanOrEqualpublicOverloaded <= operator.
operator SubtractionpublicOverloaded - operator.
operator UnaryNegationpublicOverloaded unary - operator.
operator UnaryPluspublicOverloaded unary + operator.
ParsepublicTransforms a string into a TTimeSpan object.
SubtractpublicSubtracts the time span given through the parameter from the current time span.
ToStringpublicUse ToString to convert a TTimeSpan object into a string value.
TryParsepublicTransforms a string into a TTimeSpan object.