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class function WaitForAny(const Events: array of TMultiWaitEvent; Timeout: Cardinal = INFINITE): TWaitResult; overload; static;
class function WaitForAny(const Events: array of TMultiWaitEvent; out Index: Integer; Timeout: Cardinal = INFINITE): TWaitResult; overload; static;
class function WaitForAny(const Events: array of TMultiWaitEvent; out Event: TMultiWaitEvent; Timeout: Cardinal = INFINITE): TWaitResult; overload; static;


static TWaitResult __fastcall WaitForAny(TMultiWaitEvent* const *Events, const System::NativeInt Events_High, unsigned Timeout = (unsigned)(0xffffffff))/* overload */;
static TWaitResult __fastcall WaitForAny(TMultiWaitEvent* const *Events, const System::NativeInt Events_High, /* out */ int &Index, unsigned Timeout = (unsigned)(0xffffffff))/* overload */;
static TWaitResult __fastcall WaitForAny(TMultiWaitEvent* const *Events, const System::NativeInt Events_High, /* out */ TMultiWaitEvent* &Event, unsigned Timeout = (unsigned)(0xffffffff))/* overload */;


Type Visibility Source Unit Parent
function public
System.Types TMultiWaitEvent


Waits until at least one of the events in the specified Events array is signaled or until timeout is reached.

The Timeout parameter is optional. The default value of Timeout is INFINITE.

You can optionally specify one of the following parameters:

  • Index: The index of the TMultiWaitEvent in the specified Events array that causes the function to return.
  • Event: The TMultiWaitEvent instance in the specified Events array that causes the function to return.

See Also