From RAD Studio API Documentation
Members to define and manage sockets and client-server connections.
SetErrorProc | Replaces the exception handler for error messages that are received from a Windows socket connection. |
TAsyncStyle | Determines which asynchronous events the socket can receive. |
TAsyncStyles | A set of TAsyncStyle elements. |
TClientType | Describes whether the client is blocking or unblocking. |
TCMLookupComplete | Is used internally. |
TCMSocketMessage | Is used internally. |
TErrorEvent | Represents the error type. |
TGetSocketEvent | The type for event handlers that respond to events during the expected course of forming or using a socket connection. |
TGetThreadEvent | The type for event handlers that respond to events during the execution of threads that handle individual client connections. |
TLookupState | Indicates any asynchronous activities occurring while opening a connection. |
TServerType | Describes whether the server is blocking or thread blocking. |
TSocketErrorEvent | TSocketErrorEvent is the type for event handlers that respond when a Windows socket reports an error. |
TSocketErrorProc | The type that represents the exception handler for error messages that are received from a Windows socket connection. |
TSocketEvent | TSocketEvent identifies the operation that a socket is performing. |
TSocketEventEvent | The type for event handlers that notify that an event has occurred to a socket connection and also to the operation it is currently performing. |
TSocketNotifyEvent | The type for event handlers that notify that an event has occurred to a certain socket connection. |
TThreadNotifyEvent | The type for event handlers that notify that an event has occurred to a TServerClientThread. |
CM_DEFERFREE | CM_DEFERFREE: Integer = $402; |