System.Win.ScktComp.TServerWinSocket Events

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OnClientConnectpublicOccurs when a client socket completes a connection accepted by the listening socket.
OnClientDisconnectpublicOccurs when one of the connections to a client socket is closed.
OnClientErrorpublicOccurs when a failure is encountered when establishing, using, or terminating the socket connection to an individual client socket.
OnClientReadpublicOccurs when the server socket should read information from a client socket.
OnClientWritepublicOccurs when the server socket should write information to a client socket.
OnErrorEventpublicOccurs when the socket fails in making, using, or shutting down a connection.
OnGetSocketpublicOccurs when the server socket needs to create a new TServerClientWinSocket object to form the connection to a client socket.
OnGetThreadpublicOccurs when the server socket needs to create a new execution thread for a connection to a client socket.
OnSocketEventpublicOccurs when the Windows socket receives notification of asynchronous events.
OnThreadEndpublicOccurs when a client socket connection is terminated and the associated thread finishes execution.
OnThreadStartpublicOccurs when the execution thread for a connection to a client socket starts up.