Vcl.AxCtrls.TActiveFormControl Methods
_AddRef | protected | |
_Release | protected | |
Advise | protected | |
AfterConstruction | public | Responds after the last constructor has executed. |
BeforeDestruction | public | Responds before the first destructor executes. |
CheckDisposed | protected | This method is deprecated. |
ClassInfo | public | Returns a pointer to the run-time type information (RTTI) table for the object type. |
ClassName | public | Returns a string indicating the type of the object instance (as opposed to the type of the variable passed as an argument). |
ClassNameIs | public | Determines whether an object is of a specific type. |
ClassParent | public | Returns the type of the immediate ancestor of a class. |
ClassType | public | Returns the class reference for the object's class. |
CleanupInstance | public | Performs finalization on long strings, variants, and interface variables within a class. |
Close | protected | |
ContextSensitiveHelp | protected | |
Create | public | |
CreateAggregated | public | |
CreateFromFactory | public | |
DAdvise | protected | |
DefaultHandler | public | Provides the interface for a method that processes message records. |
DefinePropertyPages | protected | |
Destroy | public | |
Dispatch | public | Calls message-handling methods for the object, based on the contents of the Message parameter. |
DisposeOf (deprecated) | public | DisposeOf forces the execution of the destructor code in an object. |
DoPropRequestEdit | protected | Requests editing permission for an ActiveX control. |
DoVerb | protected | |
Draw | protected | |
DUnadvise | protected | |
EnableModeless | protected | |
EnumAdvise | protected | |
EnumDAdvise | protected | |
EnumFormatEtc | protected | |
EnumVerbs | protected | |
Equals | public | Checks whether the current instance and the Obj parameter are equal. |
Error | public | Returns the Error message of the TComObject instance. |
EventConnect | protected | Queries the interface Sink parameter and saves the EventSink. |
EventSinkChanged | protected | |
FieldAddress | public | Returns the address of a published object field. |
Free | public | Destroys an object and frees its associated memory, if necessary. |
FreeInstance | public | Deallocates memory allocated by a previous call to the NewInstance method. |
FreeOnRelease | public | Supports the IVCLComObject interface. |
Freeze | protected | |
FreezeEvents | protected | |
Get_BackColor | protected | |
Get_Caption | protected | |
Get_Enabled | protected | |
Get_Font | protected | |
Get_ForeColor | protected | |
Get_HWnd | protected | |
Get_TabStop | protected | |
Get_Text | protected | |
GetAdvise | protected | |
GetCanonicalFormatEtc | protected | |
GetClassID | protected | |
GetClassInfo | protected | Returns a pointer to a TTypedComObject's type information. |
GetClientSite | protected | |
GetClipboardData | protected | |
GetColorSet | protected | |
GetContentExtent | protected | |
GetControlInfo | protected | |
GetData | protected | |
GetDataHere | protected | |
GetDisplayString | protected | |
GetDisposed | protected | Getter for the Disposed property. |
GetExtent | protected | |
GetHashCode | public | Returns an integer containing the hash code. |
GetIDsOfNames | protected | Maps a single member and an optional set of argument names to a corresponding set of integer dispatch identifiers (dispIDs). |
GetInterface | public | Retrieves a specified interface. |
GetInterfaceEntry | public | Returns the entry for a specific interface implemented in a class. |
GetInterfaceSafetyOptions | protected | |
GetInterfaceTable | public | Returns a pointer to a structure containing all of the interfaces implemented by a given class. |
GetMiscStatus | protected | |
GetMoniker | protected | |
GetPages | protected | |
GetPredefinedStrings | protected | |
GetPredefinedValue | protected | |
GetPropertyString | protected | |
GetPropertyStrings | protected | |
GetPropertyValue | protected | |
GetPropFromBag | protected | |
GetSizeMax | protected | |
GetTypeInfo | protected | Retrieves the type information for an object. |
GetTypeInfoCount | protected | Returns the number of type information interfaces that an object provides (either 0 or 1). |
GetUserClassID | protected | |
GetUserType | protected | |
GetWindow | protected | |
HandsOffStorage | protected | |
InheritsFrom | public | Determines the relationship of two object types. |
InitFromData | protected | |
Initialize | public | Creates the class factory and connection object for the TActiveXControl. |
InitializeControl | public | CreatesInitializeControl creates the TActiveForm instance and establishes a link between itself and the TActiveForm referenced by the control properties. |
InitInstance | public | Initializes a newly allocated object instance to all zeros and initializes the instance's virtual method table pointer. |
InitNew | protected | |
InPlaceActivate | protected | |
InPlaceDeactivate | protected | |
InstanceSize | public | Returns the size in bytes of each instance of the object type. |
InterfaceSupportsErrorInfo | protected | |
Invoke | public | Invoke implements the OLE Automation IDispatch Invoke function. |
IsDirty | protected | |
IsUpToDate | protected | |
LoadFromStream | protected | |
MapPropertyToPage | protected | |
MethodAddress | public | Returns the address of a class method by name. |
MethodName | public | Returns the name of a class method by address. |
NewInstance | public | Allocates memory for an instance of an object type and returns a pointer to that new instance. |
ObjAddRef | public | Implements the AddRef method of the IUnknown interface. |
ObjQueryInterface | public | The ObjQueryInterface method takes an interface ID (the IID parameter) and returns the requested COM interface on the object. |
ObjRelease | public | Implements the Release method of the IUnknown interface. |
OnAmbientPropertyChange | protected | |
OnDocWindowActivate | protected | |
OnFrameWindowActivate | protected | |
OnMnemonic | protected | |
operator () | public | |
PerformVerb | protected | |
PersistPropBagInitNew | protected | |
PersistPropBagLoad | protected | |
PersistPropBagSave | protected | |
PersistStorageInitNew | protected | |
PersistStorageLoad | protected | |
PersistStorageSave | protected | |
PersistStreamLoad | protected | |
PersistStreamSave | protected | |
PostMessageFilter | protected | |
PreInitializeControl | protected | Initializes the control before use. |
PreMessageFilter | protected | |
PropChanged | public | Generates an OnChanged event. |
PropRequestEdit | public | Indicates whether a specified property can be changed. |
PutPropInBag | protected | |
QualifiedClassName | public | Returns the qualified name of the class. |
QueryGetData | protected | |
QueryInterface | protected | |
QuickActivate | protected | |
ReactivateAndUndo | protected | |
ResizeBorder | protected | |
SafeCallException | public | Handles OLE exceptions. |
SaveCompleted | protected | |
SaveToStream | protected | |
Set_BackColor | protected | |
Set_Caption | protected | |
Set_Enabled | protected | |
Set_Font | protected | |
Set_ForeColor | protected | |
Set_TabStop | protected | |
Set_Text | protected | |
SetAdvise | protected | |
SetClientSite | protected | |
SetColorScheme | protected | |
SetContentExtent | protected | |
SetData | protected | |
SetExtent | protected | |
SetHostNames | protected | |
SetInPlaceSite | protected | |
SetInterfaceSafetyOptions | protected | |
SetMoniker | protected | |
SetObjectRects | protected | |
ShowPropertyDialog | protected | |
StdClickEvent | protected | |
StdDblClickEvent | protected | |
StdKeyDownEvent | protected | |
StdKeyPressEvent | protected | |
StdKeyUpEvent | protected | |
StdMouseDownEvent | protected | |
StdMouseMoveEvent | protected | |
StdMouseUpEvent | protected | |
ToString | public | Returns a string containing the class name. |
TranslateAccelerator | protected | |
UIDeactivate | protected | |
Unadvise | protected | |
Unfreeze | protected | |
UnitName | public | Returns the name of the unit where the class is defined. |
UnitScope | public | Returns the class's unit scope. |
Update | protected | |
ViewObjectGetExtent | protected | |
WndProc | protected |