Vcl.ComCtrls.TCustomListView Events

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OnAdvancedCustomDrawprotectedOccurs at discrete points during the rendering of the list view.
OnAdvancedCustomDrawItemprotectedOccurs at discrete stages during the painting of an item in an owner-drawn list view.
OnAdvancedCustomDrawSubItemprotectedOccurs at discrete stages during the painting of a subitem in an owner-drawn list view.
OnAlignInsertBeforeprotectedOccurs when an object with custom alignment is aligned.
OnAlignPositionprotectedOccurs when an object with custom alignment is aligned.
OnCanResizeprotectedOccurs when an attempt is made to resize the control.
OnChangeprotectedOccurs immediately after an item in the list changes.
OnChangingprotectedOccurs when an item in the list is about to change.
OnClickprotectedOccurs when the user clicks the control.
OnColumnClickprotectedOccurs when the user clicks on a column header in a list view.
OnColumnDraggedprotectedOccurs when a column is dragged to a new position.
OnColumnRightClickprotectedOccurs when the user right-clicks a column header in a list view.
OnCompareprotectedOccurs when two items need to be compared during a sort of the list.
OnConstrainedResizeprotectedAdjusts the resize constraints.
OnContextPopupprotectedOccurs when the user right-clicks the control or otherwise invokes the pop-up menu (such as using the keyboard).
OnCreateItemClassprotectedOnCreateItemClass occurs when a list item object is about to be created.
OnCustomDrawprotectedOccurs when an owner-draw list view must be rendered.
OnCustomDrawItemprotectedOccurs when an item in an owner-draw list view must be rendered.
OnCustomDrawSubItemprotectedOccurs when a subitem must be rendered in an owner-draw list view.
OnDataprotectedOccurs immediately before an item is displayed in the list view control.
OnDataFindprotectedOccurs when the list view control receives a search request, such as when the FindData and FindCaption methods are called.
OnDataHintprotectedOccurs when the contents of the list view change, such as when the user scrolls the list view.
OnDataStateChangeprotectedOccurs when a range of items change states.
OnDblClickprotectedOccurs when the user double-clicks the left mouse button when the mouse pointer is over the control.
OnDeletionprotectedOccurs when an item in the list view is about to be deleted.
OnDockDropprotectedOccurs when another control is docked to the control.
OnDockOverprotectedOccurs when another control is dragged over the control.
OnDragDropprotectedOccurs when the user drops an object being dragged.
OnDragOverprotectedOccurs when the user drags an object over a control.
OnDrawItemprotectedOccurs when an item should be drawn in the list view.
OnEditedprotectedOccurs immediately after the user edits an item's Caption property.
OnEditingprotectedOccurs when the user starts to edit a list item's Caption property.
OnEndDockprotectedOccurs when the dragging of an object ends, either by docking the object or by canceling the dragging.
OnEndDragprotectedOccurs when the dragging of an object ends, either by dropping the object or by canceling the dragging.
OnEnterprotectedOccurs when a control receives the input focus.
OnEnumerateControlpublicEvent called to check whether a control should be enumerated by GetControls.
OnExitprotectedOccurs when the input focus shifts away from one control to another.
OnGesturepublicOccurs when you perform a gesture associated with this control.
OnGetImageIndexprotectedOccurs when an item is about to be displayed in the list view control.
OnGetSiteInfoprotectedReturns the control's docking information.
OnGetSubItemImageprotectedOccurs when a subitem is about to be displayed in the column of a list view control.
OnInfoTipprotectedOccurs when the user pauses the mouse over an item in the list view.
OnInsertprotectedOccurs immediately after a new item is inserted into the list view.
OnItemCheckedprotectedOccurs when item checked or unchecked.
OnKeyDownprotectedOccurs when a user presses any key while the control has focus.
OnKeyPressprotectedOccurs when a key is pressed.
OnKeyUpprotectedOccurs when the user releases a key that was pressed.
OnMouseActivateprotectedOccurs when the user presses a mouse button with the mouse pointer over a control and the parent form is not active.
OnMouseDownprotectedOccurs when the user presses a mouse button with the mouse pointer over a control.
OnMouseEnterprotectedOccurs when the user moves the mouse into a control.
OnMouseLeaveprotectedOccurs when the user moves the mouse outside of a control.
OnMouseMoveprotectedOccurs when the user moves the mouse pointer while the mouse pointer is over a control.
OnMouseUpprotectedOccurs when the user releases a mouse button that was pressed with the mouse pointer over a component.
OnMouseWheelprotectedOccurs when the mouse wheel is rotated.
OnMouseWheelDownprotectedOccurs when the mouse wheel is rotated downward.
OnMouseWheelUpprotectedOccurs when the mouse wheel is rotated upward.
OnResizeprotectedOccurs immediately after the control is resized.
OnSelectItemprotectedOccurs when an item is selected in the list view control.
OnStartDockprotectedOccurs when the user begins to drag a control with a DragKind of dkDock.
OnStartDragprotectedOccurs when the user begins to drag the control or an object it contains by left-clicking the control and holding the mouse button down.
OnUnDockprotectedOccurs when the application tries to undock a control that is docked to the windowed control.
WindowProcpublicPoints to the window procedure that responds to messages sent to the control.