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Package vcl290.bpl


EPlatformVersionExceptionException raised when the application uses a class that requires Windows Vista, Windows 7, or a later version of Windows.
TColorDialogTColorDialog displays a modal color-selection dialog.
TCommonDialogTCommonDialog is the ancestor of all components that represent Windows common dialog boxes.
TCustomFileDialogAbstract base class for Vista or later Windows operating systems style file dialogs.
TCustomFileOpenDialogBase class for Vista or later Windows operating system style file open dialogs.
TCustomFileSaveDialogBase class for Vista or later Windows operating system style file save dialogs.
TCustomTaskDialogBase class for Task Dialogs.
TFavoriteLinkItemItem in a list of favorite links.
TFavoriteLinkItemsList of favorite links.
TFavoriteLinkItemsEnumeratorEnumerator for list of favorite items.
TFileOpenDialogClass for Vista and newer Windows operating systems style file open dialogs.
TFileSaveDialogClass for Vista and newer Windows operating systems style file save dialogs.
TFileTypeItemFile type specification.
TFileTypeItemsCollection of file type specifications.
TFindDialogTFindDialog displays a Find dialog that allows users to search for text in a file.
TFontDialogTFontDialog displays a font-selection dialog.
TOpenDialogTOpenDialog displays a file-selection dialog.
TPageSetupDialogTPageSetupDialog displays a page setup dialog.
TPrintDialogTPrintDialog displays a Print dialog.
TPrinterSetupDialogTPrinterSetupDialog displays a print-setup dialog for configuring printers.
TReplaceDialogTReplaceDialog displays a search-and-replace dialog.
TSaveDialogTSaveDialog displays a "Save As" dialog for saving files.
TTaskDialogClass for Task Dialog properties.
TTaskDialogBaseButtonItemBase button class for Task Dialogs.
TTaskDialogButtonItemA single Task Dialog button item.
TTaskDialogButtonsA collection of buttons appearing on a Task Dialog.
TTaskDialogButtonsEnumeratorEnumerates the button collection for a Task Dialog.
TTaskDialogProgressBarProgress bar class for Task Dialogs. in one, concise sentence.
TTaskDialogRadioButtonItemA single radio button item for Task Dialogs..


CreateMessageDialogCreates a specified message dialog.
InputBoxDisplays an input dialog box that lets the user enter a string, double, or integer.
InputQueryDisplays an input dialog box that lets the user enter a string, double, or integer.
MessageDlgDisplays a message dialog box in the center of the screen.
MessageDlgPosDisplays a message dialog box at the specified screen coordinates.
MessageDlgPosHelpDisplays a message dialog box whose help is supplied in a named help file.
PromptForFileNameDisplays an open or save dialog, where the user can specify a file name.
ShowMessageDisplays a message box with an OK button.
ShowMessageFmtDisplays a message box with a formatted message.
ShowMessagePosDisplays a message box at a specified location.
TaskMessageDlgDisplays a message task dialog box in the center of the screen.
TaskMessageDlgPosDisplays a message task dialog box at the specified screen coordinates.
TaskMessageDlgPosHelpDisplays a message task dialog box whose help is supplied in a named help file.


TColorDialogOptionTColorDialogOption and TColorDialogOptions specify options for a TColorDialog component.
TColorDialogOptionsTColorDialogOption and TColorDialogOptions specify options for a TColorDialog component.
TCustomColorsTCustomColors is an array that holds the color values for your custom colors.
TFDApplyEventTFDApplyEvent is the type for event handlers that respond when the user clicks the Apply button in a nonmodal font dialog.
TFileDialogCloseEventEvent for user clicking OK.
TFileDialogFolderChangingEventEvent before a directory is opened or closed from the dialog.
TFileDialogOptionThe settings in TFileDialogOption determine the behavior of a TCustomFileDialog file dialog. TFileDialogOptions is a set of TFileDialogOption. These options are the same as the options for the Microsoft IFileDialog::GetOptions and IFileDialog::SetOptions functions.
TFileDialogOptionsThe settings in TFileDialogOptions determine the behavior of a TCustomFileDialog file dialog. TFileDialogOptions is a set of TFileDialogOptions. These options are the same as the options for the Microsoft IFileDialog::GetOptions and IFileDialog::SetOptions functions.
TFileDialogOverwriteEventEvent just before a file would be overwritten.
TFileDialogOverwriteResponseTFileDialogOverwriteResponse indicates the application's response to an overwrite request during a save operation for a TCustomFileSaveDialog dialog. These are the same values as in the FDE_OVERWRITE_RESPONSE enumerated type used in the Microsoft IFileDialogEvents::OnOverwrite method.
TFileDialogShareViolationEventEvent when sharing violations arise from open or save operations.
TFileDialogShareViolationResponseTFileDialogShareViolationResponse indicates the application's response to a sharing violation during a file open or save for a TCustomFileDialog dialog. These are the same values as in the FDE_SHAREVIOLATION_RESPONSE enumerated type used in the Microsoft IFileDialogEvents::OnShareViolation method.
TFileEditStyleTFileEditStyle indicates the type of control that appears in a file selection dialog for the file name.
TFindOptionTFindOption and TFindOptions determine the controls that appear in a find dialog.
TFindOptionsTFindOption and TFindOptions determine the controls that appear in a find dialog.
TFindReplaceFuncInternal function used by TFindDialog and TReplaceDialog.
TFontDialogDeviceTFontDialogDevice indicates the source from which a TFontDialog instance obtains its list of fonts.
TFontDialogOptionTFontDialogOption and TFontDialogOptions are flags that influence the appearance and behavior of a font dialog.
TFontDialogOptionsTFontDialogOption and TFontDialogOptions are flags that influence the appearance and behavior of a font dialog.
TIncludeItemEventTIncludeItemEvent is the type of the OnIncludeItem event handler.
TMsgDlgBtnTMsgDlgBtn defines a set of values used by MessageDlg and MessageDlgPos functions.
TMsgDlgButtonsTMsgDlgButtons defines a set of values used by MessageDlg and MessageDlgPos.
TMsgDlgTypeAlias for System.UITypes.TMsgDlgType.
TOFNotifyExType for structures that include information about the shell folder.
TOpenOptionTOpenOption and TOpenOptions determine the behavior of a file selection dialog.
TOpenOptionExTOpenOptionEx and TOpenOptionsEx determine the behavior of a file selection dialog.
TOpenOptionsTOpenOption and TOpenOptions determine the behavior of a file selection dialog.
TOpenOptionsExTOpenOptionEx and TOpenOptionsEx determine the behavior of a file selection dialog.
TPageMeasureUnitsSpecifies page setup measure unit types.
TPageSetupBeforePaintEventTPageSetupBeforePaintEvent defines the class method called by the BeforePaint event.
TPageSetupDialogOptionSpecifies page setup dialog options.
TPageSetupDialogOptionsSpecifies page setup dialog options.
TPageTypeTPageType indicates the type of page being configured for printing.
TPaintPageEventTPageSetupBeforePaintEvent defines the class method called by various TPageSetupDialog events.
TPrintDialogOptionTPrintDialogOption and TPrintDialogOptions specify options for a TPrintDialog component.
TPrintDialogOptionsTPrintDialogOption and TPrintDialogOptions specify options for a TPrintDialog component.
TPrinterKindTPrinterKind is no longer used.
TPrinterOrientationTPrinterOrientation indicates the orientation of pages when printing.
TPrintRangeTPrintRange indicates how the user specified the set of pages to print.
TProgressBarStateTProgressBarState defines a set of values used by the State property.
TTaskDialogButtonListAn array of buttons for TTaskDialog.
TTaskDialogCommonButtonButtons for Task Dialogs.
TTaskDialogCommonButtonsAn array of Buttons for Task Dialogs.
TTaskDialogFlagFlags for Task Dialogs.
TTaskDialogFlagsFlags for Task Dialogs.
TTaskDialogIconRepresents the type of icons displayed in a task dialog.
TTaskDlgClickEventEvent for a button click in a Task Dialog.
TTaskDlgTimerEventEvent for the Task Dialog timer.


ForceCurrentDirectoryIndicates whether open and save dialogs should display the current directory if no initial directory is assigned.
MsgDlgIconsMsgDlgIcons global variable maps dialog type to dialog icon kind.
UseLatestCommonDialogsIndicates whether the open, save, and task dialogs should use Windows Vista or later Windows operating system-specific APIs.


MaxCustomColorsMaxCustomColors: Integer = $10;
mbAbortIgnorembAbortIgnore: Set = [mbAbort,mbIgnore];
mbAbortRetryIgnorembAbortRetryIgnore: Set = [mbAbort..mbIgnore];
mbOKCancelmbOKCancel: Set = [mbOK..mbCancel];
mbYesAllNoAllCancelmbYesAllNoAllCancel: Set = [mbYes..mbNo,mbCancel,mbNoToAll..mbYesToAll];
mbYesNombYesNo: Set = [mbYes..mbNo];
mbYesNoCancelmbYesNoCancel: Set = [mbYes..mbNo,mbCancel];
tdiErrortdiError: Integer = 2;
tdiInformationtdiInformation: Integer = 3;
tdiNonetdiNone: Integer = 0;
tdiShieldtdiShield: Integer = 4;
tdiWarningtdiWarning: Integer = 1;