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property UserDataFolder: string read FUserDataFolder write FUserDataFolder;


__property System::UnicodeString UserDataFolder = {read=FUserDataFolder, write=FUserDataFolder};


Type Visibility Source Unit Parent
property public
Vcl.Edge TCustomEdgeBrowser


Specifies the location of the user data folder, where Edge/WebView2 stores e.g. cookies, permissions and cached resources.

This property value can contain environment variables surrounded by % signs, e.g. %LOCALAPPDATA%\MyEdgeCacheFolder

If it does not, set this as default {your_exe_name}.WebView2 in the local app data folder. For example, the default user data folder for a TEdgeBrowser in Project1.exe would be %LOCALAPPDATA%\Project1.exe.WebView2.

Setting this property affects the creation of the next underlying WebView2 control. If this component has already created a WebView2 control then setting this property will have no effect unless the WebView2 control gets recreated (e.g. by ReinitializeWebView or ReinitializeWebViewWithNewBrowser).

Note: If the folder creation permission is not available to the process where the user data folder needs to be created, then the creation of the underlying WebView2 control can fail.