Vcl.ExtCtrls.TTrayIcon Events

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OnAnimatepublishedOccurs each time the icon changes when the tray icon is animating.
OnBalloonClickpublishedOccurs when the balloon hint is clicked.
OnClickpublishedOccurs when the user clicks the tray icon.
OnDblClickpublishedOccurs when the user double clicks the tray icon.
OnGetDeltaStreamsprotectedAllows a component to generate and provide a list of delta streams representing changes to the component's state.
OnMouseDownpublishedOccurs when the user presses a mouse button while the mouse pointer is over a control.
OnMouseMovepublishedOccurs when the user moves the mouse pointer while the mouse pointer is over the tray icon.
OnMouseUppublishedOccurs when the user releases a mouse button that was pressed with the mouse pointer over a component.