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property Columns;


__property Columns = {default=0};


Type Visibility Source Unit Parent
property published
Vcl.FileCtrl TDirectoryListBox


Specifies the number of columns, in a multi-column list box, that are visible without having to scroll.

Vcl.FileCtrl.TDirectoryListBox.Columns inherits from Vcl.StdCtrls.TCustomListBox.Columns. All content below this line refers to Vcl.StdCtrls.TCustomListBox.Columns.

Specifies the number of columns, in a multi-column list box, that are visible without having to scroll.

Use Columns to specify the number of columns, in a multi-column list box, that are visible without having to use the horizontal scroll bar.

Multi-column list boxes have a horizontal scroll bar that allows users to view multiple columns as they wrap. The default value for Columns is 0, meaning that the list box is not multi-column. That is, users can scroll only vertically and the list of items will not wrap.

For Columns values greater than 0, multiple columns accommodate the items as they wrap beyond the bottom of the list box. The Columns property specifies the number of columns that are visible without having to horizontally scroll the list box.

The width of each column depends upon both the Width property and the number of Columns.

Tip: To add data to specific columns, you need to use the ^I parameter, as shown in Items.

See Also