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constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;


__fastcall virtual TScrollWindow(System::Classes::TComponent* AOwner);
/* TWinControl.CreateParented */ inline __fastcall TScrollWindow(HWND ParentWindow) : Vcl::Controls::TWinControl(ParentWindow) { }


Type Visibility Source Unit Parent
constructor public
Vcl.Forms TScrollWindow


Creates an instance of TWinControl.

Vcl.Forms.TScrollingStyleHook.TScrollWindow.Create inherits from Vcl.Controls.TWinControl.Create. All content below this line refers to Vcl.Controls.TWinControl.Create.

Creates an instance of TWinControl.

Call Create to construct and initialize a new control and insert the newly-constructed control into its owner, as specified by the AOwner parameter. Create inserts the control in the owner by calling the owner's InsertComponent method.

Most controls override Create to initialize their unique properties. Objects that override the Create method must always call the inherited Create method first, and then proceed with the component-specific initialization. Specify the override directive when overriding the Create method.

If a component's Create method allocates resources or memory, override the Destroy method to free those resources.

See Also