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function NewMenu(Owner: TComponent; const AName: string; const Items: array of TMenuItem): TMainMenu;


extern DELPHI_PACKAGE TMainMenu* __fastcall NewMenu(System::Classes::TComponent* Owner, const System::UnicodeString AName, TMenuItem* const *Items, const System::NativeInt Items_High);


Type Visibility Source Unit Parent
function public
Vcl.Menus Vcl.Menus


Creates and initializes a main menu.

Call NewMenu to create and initialize a main menu programmatically. NewMenu returns the TMainMenu component that represents the menu.

The Owner parameter specifies the component that is responsible for freeing the menu (typically the form).

The AName parameter specifies the name of the menu, which is used to refer to it in code.

The Items parameter is an array of menu items that make up the top level menu items. To create the menu items for the Items parameter, use the NewItem function.

Note: The Items_Size parameter specifies the index of the last menu item in Items (one less than the number of menu items).

See Also

Code Examples