Defines the standard (predefined) controls that you can use in VCL applications. Commonly used classes in Vcl.StdCtrls are TButton, TCheckBox, TEdit, TLabel, and TScrollBar.
Package | vcl290.bpl |
TButton | TButton is a push button control. |
TButtonActionLink | TButtonActionLink is an action link designed specifically for button control clients. |
TButtonActionLinkClass | TButtonActionLinkClass defines the metaclass for TButtonActionLink. |
TButtonControl | TButtonControl is the base class for objects that represent Windows button controls. |
TButtonStyleHook | TButtonStyleHook is a delegate class that handles messages for styled buttons. |
TCheckBox | TCheckBox represents a check box that can be on (checked) or off (unchecked). |
TCheckBoxStyleHook | TCheckBoxStyleHook is a delegate class that handles messages for styled checkboxes. |
TComboBox | TComboBox combines an edit box with a scrollable list. |
TComboBoxStyleHook | TComboBoxStyleHook is a delegate class that handles messages for styled combo boxes. |
TCustomButton | Base class for a push button control. |
TCustomCheckBox | TCustomCheckBox is the ancestor of all check-box components. |
TCustomCombo | TCustomCombo is the base class for all combo boxes. |
TCustomComboBox | TCustomComboBox is the base class for combobox components. |
TCustomComboBoxStrings | TCustomComboBoxStrings represents the strings in the drop-down list of a combo box. |
TCustomComboBoxStringsClass | TCustomComboBoxStringsClass describes a descendant of TCustomComboBoxStrings. |
TCustomEdit | TCustomEdit is the base class from which all edit-box and memo controls are derived. |
TCustomGroupBox | TCustomGroupBox is the base class for all group-box components. |
TCustomLabel | TCustomLabel is the base class for non-windowed controls that display text on a form. |
TCustomListBox | TCustomListBox is the base class for listbox objects that are wrappers for list box controls. |
TCustomMemo | TCustomMemo is the base type for memo components, which are multiline edit boxes, including TMemo and TDBMemo. |
TCustomStaticText | TCustomStaticText is the base class for TStaticText. |
TEdit | TEdit is a wrapper for a Windows single-line edit control. |
TEditMargins | |
TEditStyleHook | TEditStyleHook is a delegate class that handles messages for styled edit controls. |
TGroupBox | TGroupBox represents a Windows group box. |
TGroupBoxStyleHook | TGroupBoxStyleHook is a delegate class that handles messages for styled group boxes. |
TImageMargins | Margins of image on button. |
TLabel | TLabel is a nonwindowed control that displays text on a form. |
TListBox | TListBox displays a collection of items in a scrollable list. |
TListBoxStyleHook | TListBoxStyleHook is a delegate class that handles messages for styled list boxes. |
TMemo | TMemo is a wrapper for a Windows multiline edit control. |
TMemoStyleHook | TMemoStyleHook is a delegate class that handles messages for styled memo edit boxes. |
TPushButtonActionLink | TPushButtonActionLink is an action link designed specifically for button control clients. |
TPushButtonActionLinkClass | TPushButtonActionLinkClass defines the metaclass for TPushButtonActionLink. |
TRadioButton | TRadioButton is a wrapper for a system radio button. |
TRadioButtonStyleHook | TRadioButtonStyleHook is a delegate class that handles messages for styled radio buttons. |
TScrollBar | TScrollBar is a Windows scroll bar, which is used to scroll the contents of a window, form, or control. |
TScrollBarStyleHook | TScrollBarStyleHook is a delegate class that handles messages for styled scroll bars. |
TStaticText | TStaticText is a windowed control that displays text on a form. |
TStaticTextStyleHook | TStaticTextStyleHook is a delegate class that handles messages for styled static text. |
TCheckBoxState | TCheckBoxState indicates the state of a check box control. |
TComboBoxStyle | TComboBoxStyle is the type for the Style property of combo box controls that are defined in the StdCtrls unit. |
TDrawItemEvent | TDrawItemEvent is the type of the Vcl.StdCtrls.TCustomListBox.OnDrawItem, the Vcl.StdCtrls.TCustomComboBox.OnDrawItem and the Vcl.Outline.TCustomOutline.OnDrawItem event handlers. |
TEditCharCase | TEditCharCase indicates how a control forces the case of characters, if at all. |
TEllipsisPosition | Specifies how ellipsis is placed in text not fitting in allocated rectangle. |
TFNDrawText | TFNDrawText represents the procedure type for the events that specify the details of the Text property of a control. |
TImageAlignment | Alignment of image on TButton. |
TLBFindDataEvent | TLBFindDataEvent is the type of the list box Vcl.StdCtrls.TCustomListBox.OnDataFind event handler. |
TLBGetDataEvent | TLBGetDataEvent is the type of the list box Vcl.StdCtrls.TCustomListBox.OnData event handler. |
TLBGetDataObjectEvent | TLBGetDataObjectEvent is the type of the list box Vcl.StdCtrls.TCustomListBox.OnDataObject event handler. |
TListBoxItemData | |
TListBoxStyle | TListBoxStyle specifies the way a listbox control gets its data and how it is drawn. |
TMeasureItemEvent | TMeasureItemEvent is the type for the Vcl.StdCtrls.TCustomListBox.OnMeasureItem and the Vcl.StdCtrls.TCustomComboBox.OnMeasureItem event handlers. |
TOwnerDrawState | Indicates state information that can influence how an item is drawn. |
TScrollCode | TScrollCode indicates what action the user performed on a scroll bar. |
TScrollEvent | TScrollEvent is the type of an Vcl.StdCtrls.TScrollBar.OnScroll event handler. |
TScrollStyle | Identifies a set of scrollbars by their orientation. |
TSelection | TSelection definese the start and position of a selection. |
TStaticBorderStyle | TStaticBorderStyle determines the appearance of the border on a static text control. |
TTextLayout | TTextLayout indicates where text appears within the client area of a control. |