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function DrawParentBackground(Window: HWND; Target: HDC; Details: PThemedElementDetails;
OnlyIfTransparent: Boolean; const Bounds: TRect): Boolean; overload; inline;
function DrawParentBackground(Window: HWND; Target: HDC; const Details: TThemedElementDetails;
OnlyIfTransparent: Boolean; Bounds: PRect = nil): Boolean; overload; inline;
function DrawParentBackground(Window: HWND; Target: HDC; Details: PThemedElementDetails;
OnlyIfTransparent: Boolean; Bounds: PRect = nil): Boolean; overload;


bool __fastcall DrawParentBackground(HWND Window, HDC Target, PThemedElementDetails Details, bool OnlyIfTransparent, const Winapi::Windows::TRect &Bounds)/* overload */;
bool __fastcall DrawParentBackground(HWND Window, HDC Target, const TThemedElementDetails &Details, bool OnlyIfTransparent, Winapi::Windows::PRect Bounds = (System::Types::PRect)(0x0))/* overload */;
bool __fastcall DrawParentBackground(HWND Window, HDC Target, PThemedElementDetails Details, bool OnlyIfTransparent, Winapi::Windows::PRect Bounds = (System::Types::PRect)(0x0))/* overload */;


Type Visibility Source Unit Parent
function public
Vcl.Themes TCustomStyleServices


Draws the background of the given user interface element's parent.

Call DrawParentBackground to draw the background of a user interface element's parent, using the current style. If OnlyIfTransparent is True, the drawing is performed only if the element is transparent in the current style. Bounds represents the area to be drawn.

See Also