Vcl.ToolWin.TToolDockForm Methods

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_AddRefprotectedCalled when an application uses a component interface.
_ReleaseprotectedCalled when an application releases a component interface.
ActionChangeprotectedUpdates the control to reflect changes in its associated action.
ActivateprotectedActivation event dispatcher.
ActiveChangedprotectedActive state event dispatcher.
AddBiDiModeExStyleprotectedSets control's window style according to its bi-directional support.
AdjustSizeprotectedAdjusts the control's size according to its contents and constraints.
AfterConstructionpublicConstruction event dispatcher.
AlignControlsprotectedAligns all child controls of the form that fall within a specified rectangle.
ArrangeControlprotectedAligns the given control with the specified alignment options.
AssignpublicCopies the contents of another similar object.
AssignToprotectedCopies the properties of the windowed control to another object.
AutoScrollEnabledprotectedIndicates whether automatic scrolling is enabled.
AutoScrollInViewprotectedScrolls a control into the visible area of the scrolling windowed control.
BeforeDestructionpublicDestruction event dispatcher.
BeginAutoDragprotectedResponds when the user starts dragging the form if DragMode is dmAutomatic.
BeginDragpublicStarts the dragging of a control.
BeginInvokepublicPerforms an asynchronous call to the method specified by either AProc or AFunc.
BringToFrontpublicPuts the control in front of all other controls in its parent control.
BroadcastpublicSends a message to each of the child controls.
CalcCursorPosprotectedGives the coordinates of the cursor, with respect to the origin of the control.
CanAutoSizeprotectedIndicates how the control can be resized.
CanEnumerateControlpublicIndicates whether a control can be enumerated by GetControls enumerator.

CanEnumerateControl returns True when AControl may be enumerated by GetControls enumerator.

Internally, CanEnumerateControl calls OnEnumerateControl event handler if assigned.
CanFocuspublicIndicates whether a control can receive focus.
CanObserveprotectedChecks if a component can be observed by a particular observer.
CanResizeprotectedSpecifies whether the control can resize itself.
CanUseDoubleBufferingprotectedMethod used for the DoubleBuffered property.
ChangedprotectedSends a CM_CHANGED message to the control.
ChangeNameprotectedSets the private, internal storage for the Name property to the string passed in NewName.
ChangeScaleprotectedRepositions and resizes the form by the ratio M/D, adjusting its client area and font size as needed.
CheckDisposedprotectedThis method is deprecated.
CheckNonMainThreadUsagepublicRaised an EInvalidOperation exception when called on a non-main thread and RaiseOnNonMainThreadUsage is set to True.
ChildHandlesNeededpublicChildHandlesNeeded method forces the creation of the child control handles.
ClassInfopublicReturns a pointer to the run-time type information (RTTI) table for the object type.
ClassNamepublicReturns a string indicating the type of the object instance (as opposed to the type of the variable passed as an argument).
ClassNameIspublicDetermines whether an object is of a specific type.
ClassParentpublicReturns the type of the immediate ancestor of a class.
ClassTypepublicReturns the class reference for the object's class.
CleanupInstancepublicPerforms finalization on long strings, variants, and interface variables within a class.
ClickprotectedRespond to user click.
ClientToParentpublicTranslates client coordinates to parent coordinates.
ClientToScreenpublicTranslates a given point from client area coordinates to global screen coordinates.
ClientWndProcprotectedProvides specific message responses for a MDI form from the client.
ClosepublicCloses the form.
CloseModalprotectedCloseModal prepares a modal form for closing.
CloseQuerypublicClose attempt event dispatcher.
ConstrainedResizeprotectedGenerates an OnConstrainedResize event.
ContainsControlpublicIndicates whether a specified control exists within the control.
ControlAtPospublicReturns the child control located at a specified position within the control.
ControlsAlignedprotectedControlsAligned automatically executes after a call to AlignControls.
CreatepublicCreates an instance of TToolDockForm.
CreateDockManagerprotectedCreates the dock manager for the control.
CreateHandleprotectedCreates underlying screen object.
CreateNewpublicCreates and initializes a new form.
CreateParamsprotectedInitializes the window-creation parameter record when the form window is created.
CreateParentedpublicCreates and initializes a control as the child of a specified non-VCL container.
CreateParentedControlpublicCreates and initializes a control as the child of a specified non-VCL window.
CreateSubClassprotectedCreates a windowed control derived from an existing Windows window class.
CreateTouchManagerprotectedInstantiates a touch manager.
CreateWindowHandleprotectedCreates a form window given a set of window-creation parameters.
CreateWndprotectedCreates the form window.
CustomAlignInsertBeforeprotectedReturns placement order of custom-aligned child control.
CustomAlignPositionprotectedReturns aligned position of custom-aligned child control.
DblClickprotectedOnDblClick event dispatcher.
DeactivateprotectedGenerates an OnDeactivate event.
DefaultDockImageprotectedHandles the painting and erasing of a dock image.
DefaultHandlerpublicProvides message handling for all messages that the form does not fully process.
DefinePropertiesprotectedDesignates methods for storing a form's unpublished data on a stream such as a form file.
DefocusControlpublicRemoves focus from a control on the form.
DesignWndProcprotectedProcesses the given message and returns some Boolean information based on the message's content.
DestroyComponentspublicDestroys all owned components.
DestroyingpublicIndicates that the component and its owned components are about to be destroyed.
DestroyWindowHandleprotectedDestroys the window created in the CreateWindowHandle method.
DestroyWndprotectedDestroys the control's window.
DisableAlignpublicDisables the realignment of child controls.
DisableAutoRangepublicDisables automatic scrolling.
DispatchpublicCalls message-handling methods for the object, based on the contents of the Message parameter.
DisposeOf (deprecated)publicDisposeOf forces the execution of the destructor code in an object.
DoAddDockClientprotectedPerforms actions when a control is docked to the form.
DockpublicHandles automatic docking of the form into other windows.
DockDroppublicGenerates an OnDockDrop event.
DockOverprotectedResponds when a docking client is dragged over the windowed control.
DockReplaceDockClientprotectedInvalidates the first dock site in the list of child controls.
DockTrackNoTargetprotectedHandles dragging of the control over an invalid docking target.
DoCloseprotectedForm closing event dispatcher.
DoContextPopupprotectedIs an OnContextPopup event dispatcher.
DoCreateprotectedForm creation event dispatcher.
DoDestroyprotectedForm destruction event dispatcher.
DoDockprotectedDocking event dispatcher.
DoDockOverprotectedGenerates an OnDockOver event.
DoEndDockprotectedIs an OnEndDock event dispatcher.
DoEndDragprotectedIs an OnEndDrag event dispatcher.
DoEnterprotectedRespond to receiving input focus.
DoExitprotectedResponds to losing input focus.
DoFlipChildrenprotectedFlips the control's children.
DoHideprotectedForm hide event dispatcher.
DoKeyDownprotectedPerforms some preprocessing before generating an OnKeyDown event.
DoKeyPressprotectedPerforms some preprocessing before generating an OnKeyPress event.
DoKeyUpprotectedPerforms some preprocessing before generating an OnKeyUp event.
DoMouseWheelprotectedProcesses mouse wheel motion.
DoMouseWheelDownprotectedIs an OnMouseWheelDown event dispatcher.
DoMouseWheelUpprotectedIs an OnMouseWheelUp event dispatcher.
DoRemoveDockClientprotectedPerforms actions when a control is undocked from the dock form.
DoShowprotectedForm show event dispatcher.
DoStartDockprotectedIs an OnStartDockevent dispatcher.
DoStartDragprotectedIs an OnStartDrag event dispatcher.
DoUnDockprotectedUndocks a control that is currently docked to the windowed control.
DragCanceledprotectedProvides the interface for a method that responds to the cancellation of a drag.
DragDroppublicIs an OnDragDrop event dispatcher.
DraggingpublicIndicates whether a control is being dragged.
DragOverprotectedIs an OnDragOver event dispatcher.
DrawDragDockImageprotectedDraws the dock image for the control.
DrawTextBiDiModeFlagspublicReturns the text flags that reflect the current setting of the BiDiMode property.
DrawTextBiDiModeFlagsReadingOnlypublicReturns the text flag to add that indicates whether the control's text should read from right to left.
EnableAlignpublicDecrements the reference count incremented by the DisableAlign method, eventually realigning the child controls.
EnableAutoRangepublicReenables automatic scrolling.
EndDragpublicStops a control from being dragged any further.
EndFunctionInvokepublicBlocks the caller until the specified ASyncResult completes.
EndInvokepublicBlocks the caller until the specified ASyncResult completes.
EqualspublicChecks whether the current instance and the Obj parameter are equal.
EraseDragDockImageprotectedErases the dock image for the control.
ExecuteActionpublicExecutes an action.
FieldAddresspublicReturns the address of a published object field.
FindChildControlpublicReturns a child control given its name.
FindComponentpublicIndicates whether a given component is owned by the component.
FindNextControlprotectedReturns the control's next child in the tab order after the specified control.
FixupTabListprotectedSorts the child controls by their tab order.
FlipChildrenpublicReverses the positions of child controls.
FocusControlpublicSets focus to a control on the form.
FocusedpublicDetermines whether the control has input focus.
FreepublicDestroys an object and frees its associated memory, if necessary.
FreeInstancepublicDeallocates memory allocated by a previous call to the NewInstance method.
FreeNotificationpublicEnsures that AComponent is notified that the component is going to be destroyed.
FreeOnReleasepublicFrees the interface reference for components that were created from COM classes.
GetActionprotectedReturns the value of the Action property.
GetActionLinkClassprotectedReturns the associated action link class.
GetChildOwnerprotectedReturns the owner of a child component being read from a stream.
GetChildParentprotectedReturns the parent or, if there is no parent, returns the owner of a child component being read from a stream.
GetChildrenpublicReturns the "child" components of the form; that is, those components that return the form from their GetParentComponent method.
GetClientOriginprotectedReturns the value of the ClientOrigin property.
GetClientRectprotectedReturns the value of the ClientRect property.
GetControlExtentsprotectedReturns the smallest rectangle in which all the control's children fit.
GetControlspublicGetControls returns the control of the TControlList.
GetControlsAlignmentpublicIndicates how text is aligned within the control.
GetDeltaStreamsprotectedRetrieves a list of streams representing the differences (deltas) between the current state of a component and a previously saved state.
GetDeviceContextprotectedProvides access to a device context for the control.
GetDisposedprotectedGetter for the Disposed property.
GetDockEdgeprotectedReturns the edge on which another control should be docked when it is dragged over the control.
GetDragImagesprotectedReturns the control's image list containing the image to be displayed while dragging.
GetDragModeprotectedReturns the value of the DragMode property.
GetEnabledprotectedReturns the value of the Enabled property.
GetEnumeratorpublicReturns a TComponent enumerator.
GetFloatingprotectedReturns the value of the Floating property.
GetFloatingDockSiteClassprotectedReturns the class used for the control when it is floating.
GetFormImagepublicReturns a bitmap of the form.
GetHashCodepublicReturns an integer containing the hash code.
GetIDsOfNamesprotectedMaps a single member and an optional set of argument names to a corresponding set of integer dispatch identifiers (dispIDs).
GetInterfacepublicRetrieves a specified interface.
GetInterfaceEntrypublicReturns the entry for a specific interface implemented in a class.
GetInterfaceTablepublicReturns a pointer to a structure containing all of the interfaces implemented by a given class.
GetInternalStyleElementspublicIndicates the name of this component's internal elements style returning a TStyleElements enumerator.
GetInternalTextHeightprotectedReturns the FTextHeight integer value of TCustomForm.
GetNamePathpublicReturns a string used by the Object Inspector.
GetObserversprotectedGetter of Observers.
GetOwnerprotectedReturns the owner of a component.
GetPaletteprotectedReturns the handle to a palette for use by the control.
GetParentComponentpublicReturns the parent of the control.
GetParentCurrentDpiprotectedObtains the current Dpi for parent control, or the current control Dpi if there is no parent.
GetParentHandleprotectedReturns the window handle for the window of the control's parent.
GetPopupMenuprotectedReturns the pop-up menu associated with the control.
GetSiteInfoprotectedReturns docking information for the dock form.
GetStyleNamepublicReturns a string specifying the name of this component style.
GetSystemMetricspublicReturns Windows metrics for a control.
GetTabControlListpublicBuilds a list of owned controls.
GetTabOrderListpublicBuilds a list of controls in tab order.
GetTextBufpublicRetrieves the control's text, copies it into a buffer, and returns the number of characters copied.
GetTextLenpublicReturns the length of the control's text.
GetTopParentHandleprotectedReturns the window handle of the first window not associated with a VCL control that contains the windowed control.
GetTypeInfoprotectedRetrieves the type information for an object.
GetTypeInfoCountprotectedReturns the number of type information interfaces that an object provides (either 0 or 1).
HandleAllocatedpublicReports whether a screen object handle exists for the control.
HandleCreateExceptionprotectedHandles exceptions that are raised by the OnCreate event handler.
HandleNeededpublicCreates a screen object for the control if it doesn't already exist.
HasParentpublicIndicates whether the control has a parent.
HidepublicHides the form.
InheritsFrompublicDetermines the relationship of two object types.
InitiateActionpublicCalls the action link's Update method if the control is associated with an action link.
InitInstancepublicInitializes a newly allocated object instance to all zeros and initializes the instance's virtual method table pointer.
InitMessageHandlerpublicInitializes a message handler.
InsertComponentpublicEstablishes the component as the owner of a specified component.
InsertControlpublicInserts a control into the Controls array property.
InstanceSizepublicReturns the size in bytes of each instance of the object type.
InvalidatepublicSchedules a control repaint.
InvalidateDockHostSiteprotectedInvalidates the first dock site that appears in the list of child controls.
InvokeprotectedProvides access to Automation properties and methods when the component wraps an Automation object.
InvokeAsyncCallsprotectedProcesses pending asynchronous method calls listed in FAsyncList.
IsControlActivateMsgprotectedIndicates whether a specified mouse activation message is directed to the given child control.
IsControlMouseMsgprotectedIndicates whether a specified mouse message is directed to one of the windowed control's child controls.
IsCustomStyleActivepublicIndicates whether the active style is a custom style.
IsImplementorOfpublicIndicates whether the component implements a specified interface.
IsLightStyleColorpublicReturns True when AColor is a light color.
IsQualifyingSiteprotectedChecks whether the control is docked inside another control or has at least two docked controls.
IsRightToLeftpublicIndicates whether the control should be reversed right to left.
IsShortCutpublicProcesses shortcut keys when the form has focus.
KeyDownprotectedResponds to key press events.
KeyPressprotectedResponds to keyboard input.
KeyUpprotectedRespond to released key.
LoadedprotectedSpecifies actions to perform when the dock form is loaded.
LockDrawingpublicCall LockDrawing method to prevent changes in that control from being redrawn.
MainWndProcprotectedReceives Windows messages for the control.
MakeFullyVisiblepublicEnsures that the form is fully visible on a specified monitor.
ManualDockpublicDocks the control.
ManualFloatpublicUndocks the control.
MethodAddresspublicReturns the address of a class method by name.
MethodNamepublicReturns the name of a class method by address.
MouseActivateprotectedTriggers a TMouseActivateEvent event.
MouseDownprotectedOnMouseDown event dispatcher.
MouseMoveprotectedResponds to mouse moving over control area.
MouseUpprotectedIs an OnMouseUp event dispatcher.
MouseWheelHandlerpublicDirects mouse wheel messages to the appropriate control.
NewInstancepublicAllocates memory for an instance of an object type and returns a pointer to that new instance.
NotificationprotectedResponds to notifications that objects are about to be inserted or removed.
NotifyControlsprotectedSends a message to all the child controls.
ObserverAddedprotectedAllows the component to handle the addition of an observer.
operator ()publicC++ conversion of a TComponent into a System.Classes.IInterfaceComponentReference or a System.IInterface, depending on casting.
PaintprotectedGenerates an OnPaint event.
PaintControlsprotectedPaints each of the child controls in a windowed control using the specified device context.
PaintHandlerprotectedResponds to WM_PAINT messages.
PaintTopublicDraws the windowed control to a device context.
PaintWindowprotectedRenders the image of the form.
PaletteChangedprotectedResponds to changes in the system's palette by realizing the control's palette as returned from GetPalette.
ParentToClientpublicTranslate parent coordinates to client coordinates.
PerformpublicResponds as if the control received a specified Windows message.
PositionDockRectprotectedPositions the docking rectangle according to the current drag-and-dock state.
PreProcessMessagepublicReturns False, no matter the value of Msg.
PrintpublicPrints the form.
QualifiedClassNamepublicReturns the qualified name of the class.
QueryInterfaceprotectedReturns a reference to a specified interface if that interface is supported by the form.
ReadStateprotectedReads the form's published properties, stored data, and owned components from a reader object.
RealignpublicForces the control to realign children.
RecreateWndpublicRecreate underlying Windows screen object.
ReferenceInterfacepublicEstablishes or removes internal links that cause this component to be notified when the implementer of a specified interface is destroyed.
RefreshpublicRepaints the control on the screen.
ReleasepublicDestroys the form and frees its associated memory.
ReleaseMessageHandlerpublicFrees the memory of a message handler
ReloadDockedControlprotectedReloads a docked control.
RemoveComponentpublicRemoves a specified component specified from the component's Components list.
RemoveControlpublicRemoves a specified control from the Controls array.
RemoveFreeNotificationpublicDisables the destruction notification that was enabled by FreeNotification.
RemoveFreeNotificationsprotectedNotifies all owned components of the owner component's imminent destruction.
RemoveWindowPropsprotectedRemoves the ControlAtom and WindowAtom properties of the control.
RepaintpublicRepaints the entire control.
ReplaceDockedControlpublicDocks the control in the place where another control is already docked.
RequestAlignprotectedInstructs the form's parent (if any) to reposition the form, enforcing its Align property.
ResetImeprotectedRestores the input method editor (IME) that was active when the application started.
ResetImeCompositionprotectedDirects the composition window of the input method editor (IME) to perform a specific action.
ResizeprotectedRespond to control resize.
ResizingprotectedMakes any required adjustments when the form changes size.
SafeCallExceptionpublicHandles exceptions in methods declared using the safecall calling convention.
ScaleBypublicRescale control and its children.
ScaleConstraintsprotectedScales the values of the Constraints property to the given ratio.
ScaleControlsprotectedRescale child controls only.
ScaleControlsForDpiprotectedScales all the contained controls to the NewPPI value.
ScaleForCurrentDPIpublicChecks if there is a change in Dpi and performs the necessary changes to scale all the controls for the new Dpi.
ScaleMarginsprotectedScales the values of the Margins property to the given ratio.
ScalePaddingprotectedScales the control padding to the given ratio.
ScaleRectSizepublicScales Value rectangle size using the current ScaleFactor.
ScaleValuepublicThe overloaded ScaleValue methods return a measure passed as parameter scaled by the current scale factor for the control (the value of the ScaleFactor read-only property).
ScreenToClientpublicConverts the screen coordinates of a specified point on the screen to client coordinates.
ScrollBypublicScroll control contents.
ScrollInViewpublicScrolls a control into the visible area of the scrolling windowed control.
SelectFirstprotectedLocates first selectable child control.
SelectNextprotectedMoves the input focus from the current child control to the next one in the tab order.
SendCancelModepublicCancels modes on the form.
SendDockNotificationprotectedSends a Windows message to the control's host dock site.
SendToBackpublicPuts a windowed control behind all other windowed controls, or puts a non-windowed control behind all other non-windowed controls.
SetAncestorprotectedClears or sets csAncestor state in the component's ComponentState property.
SetAutoSizeprotectedSets the value of the AutoSize property.
SetBiDiModeprotectedSets the control's bidirectional mode.
SetBoundspublicSets the windowed control's boundary properties all at once.
SetChildOrderprotectedChanges the order in which Child appears when GetChildren is called.
SetCustomHintprotectedSets the value of the CustomHint property.
SetDesigningprotectedEnsures that components inserted at design time have their design-mode flag set.
SetDesignInstanceprotectedEnsures that components inserted at design time have their design-mode flag set.
SetDesignVisiblepublicMakes this control visible at design time.
SetDragModeprotectedSets the drag mode for the control.
SetEnabledprotectedSets the value of the Enabled property.
SetFocuspublicSets focus to the form.
SetFocusedControlpublicSets focus to a control on the form.
SetImeprotectedActivates an input method editor (IME) using the values specified by the ImeMode and ImeName properties.
SetImeCompositionWindowprotectedSets the position and font of the composition window.
SetInlineprotectedSets the csInline bit of the component's ComponentState property.
SetNameprotectedSets the name of the control.
SetParentprotectedSets the Parent property.
SetParentBackgroundprotectedSets the ParentBackground property.
SetParentBiDiModeprotectedSets the ParentBiDiMode property.
SetParentComponentpublicSets the parent for the control.
SetParentDoubleBufferedprotectedSets the ParentBackground property.
SetSubComponentpublicIdentifies whether the component is a subcomponent.
SetTextBufpublicSets the text of the control.
SetZOrderprotectedMoves the control to the top or bottom of the parent control's (or screen's) list of TWinControl controls.
ShowpublicShows the form.
ShowControlprotectedEnsures that a specified child control is visible.
ShowModalpublicShows a form as a modal dialog.
ToStringpublicReturns a string containing the class name.
UnitNamepublicReturns the name of the unit where the class is defined.
UnitScopepublicReturns the class's unit scope.
UnlockDrawingpublicCall UnlockDrawing method to allow changes in that control to be redrawn.
UpdatepublicForces the control to update.
UpdateActionpublicUpdates the state of an action.
UpdateActionsprotectedUpdates all actions associated with the form.
UpdateBoundsprotectedUpdates the bounds of the control.
UpdateBoundsRectprotectedChanges the Top, Left, Width, and Height properties of the control, but does not update its screen image and bypasses all resize events.
UpdateControlOriginalParentSizeprotectedUpdates the original size of the parent control.
UpdateControlStatepublicRespond to state change.
UpdatedprotectedClears the csUpdating state in the component's ComponentState property when the component finishes updating.
UpdateExplicitBoundsprotectedAttempts to update the values of the control's explicit bounds to those of its current bounds.
UpdateRecreatingFlagprotectedToggles the csRecreating flag in the ControlState property.
UpdateRegistryprotectedProvides the interface for a method that adds type library and version information to the Registry on components that implement COM interfaces.
UpdateUIStateprotectedUpdates form User Interface State as needed
UpdateWindowStateprotectedUpdates the WindowState property to reflect the current state of the form.
UpdatingprotectedSets the csUpdating state in the component's ComponentState property.
UseRightToLeftAlignmentpublicSpecifies whether the control's alignment should be reversed right-to-left.
UseRightToLeftReadingpublicSpecifies whether the control is using a right-to-left reading order.
UseRightToLeftScrollBarpublicSpecifies whether the vertical scroll bar appears on the left side of the control.
ValidateContainerprotectedDetermines whether an object can be inserted into a container.
ValidateInsertprotectedProvides the interface for a method that validates a child component before it is inserted.
ValidateRenameprotectedDetermines if a form can rename one of its owned components.
VisibleChangingprotectedResponds just before the form changes the value of its Visible property.
WantChildKeypublicIndicates whether the form processes keyboard input for a control it owns.
WndProcprotectedProvides specific message responses for the form.
WriteStateprotectedWrites the state of the component.