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function Content: string; override;


virtual System::UnicodeString __fastcall Content(void);


Type Visibility Source Unit Parent
function public
Bde.DBBdeWeb TQueryTableProducer


Returns the HTML representation of the query results.

Call Content to run the query with the parameters taken from the HTTP request message and retrieve the resulting HTML representation. If the MethodType of the request is mtGet, the parameters for the query are the QueryFields property of the request. If the MethodType of the request is mtPost, the parameters for the query are the ContentFields property of the request.

After running the query, Content calls the OnCreateContent event handler. If the OnCreateContent event handler indicates that the Content method should continue, Content returns the Header property, followed by an HTML table image of the records in the query, followed by the Footer property. If the OnCreateContent event handler indicates that the Content method should not continue, Content returns an empty string.

The string returned by Content can be used as the Content property of the response object associated with the request message.

See Also