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Classes and interfaces that define the visual appearance of list views and their items.

Package fmx240.bpl


IAppearanceItemOwnerInterface that the control that owns an instance of TAppearanceListViewItems must implement.
IPublishedAppearanceOwnerInterface that the owner of an instance of TPublishedAppearance and the owner of an instance of TItemAppearanceProperties must implement.
TAccessoryObjectAppearanceObject appearance that represents the appearance of a list view item accessory, such as a checkbox or a button to access details about the list view item.
TAppearanceNamesClass that defines string constants that are used as appearance names for various list view components such as items, headers, and so on.
TAppearanceObjectsIs an abstract class that defines the structure of an object that implements appearance related functionality.
TAppearancesRegistryGlobal registry of appearances.
TCommonObjectAppearanceBase class that provides some functionality on top of TObjectAppearance that makes it easier to create new object appearance types.
TCustomAccessoryObjectAppearanceBase class for types of object appearance that represent the appearance of a list view item accessory, such as a checkbox or a button to access details about the list view item.
TCustomGlyphButtonObjectAppearanceBase class for types of object appearance that represent the appearance of a list view item glyph button, such as a Delete button or an Add button.
TCustomImageObjectAppearanceBase class for types of object appearance that represent the appearance of a list view item image.
TCustomItemObjectsBase class for customizing the appearance of an item from the list view.
TCustomTextButtonObjectAppearanceBase class for types of object appearance that represent the appearance of a list view item text button.
TCustomTextObjectAppearanceBase class for types of object appearance that represent the appearance of a list view item text.
TEmptyItemObjectsClass that implements no customization of the appearance of an item from the list view.
TGlyphButtonObjectAppearanceObject appearance that represents the appearance of a list view item glyph button, such as a Delete button or an Add button.
TImageObjectAppearanceObject appearance that represents the appearance of a list view item image, such as a Delete button or an Add button.
TItemAppearanceObjectsImplements functionality for customizing the appearance of an item from the list view.
TItemAppearanceObjectsClassTItemAppearanceObjectsClass defines the metaclass for Appearances.TItemAppearanceObjects.
TItemAppearancePropertiesImplements various properties available for a list view item appearance setting.
TListItemObjectClassTListItemObjectClass defines the metaclass for TListItemObject.
TListViewItemImplements a list view item and all its appropriate functionality.
TNullItemObjectsClass that disables all services for managing Appearances.TListViewItem.Objects, such as creating and resizing.
TObjectAppearanceAbstract base class for object appearances that belong to a set of appearance objects.
TPresetItemObjectsIs a base class for item object presets.
TPublishedAppearanceType of the TAppearanceListView.ItemAppearance property, which groups appearance properties of the list view at design time.
TPublishedObjectsTPublishedObjects is used to group appearance objects at design time.
TTextButtonObjectAppearanceObject appearance that represents the appearance of a list view item text button.
TTextObjectAppearanceObject appearance that represents the appearance of a list view item text.


TAppearanceTypeTypes of appearance that a list view item may use depending on the circumstances.
TRegisterAppearanceOptionTRegisterAppearanceOption is an enumeration of appearance options.
TRegisterAppearanceOptionsTRegisterAppearanceOptions is a set of TRegisterAppearanceOption items.
TRegisteredAppearanceTRegisteredAppearance is a record that designates a registered appearance option.