property HelpKeyword: String read FHelpKeyword write SetHelpKeyword stored IsHelpContextStored;
__property System::UnicodeString HelpKeyword = {read=FHelpKeyword, write=SetHelpKeyword, stored=IsHelpContextStored};
Type | Visibility | Source | Unit | Parent |
property | published | Vcl.Controls.pas Vcl.Controls.hpp |
Vcl.Controls | TControl |
The HelpKeyword property contains the keyword string that identifies the Help topic for the control.
To enable the keyword-based context-sensitive Help for a control, set Vcl.Controls.TControl.HelpType to htKeyword
and set HelpKeyword to a keyword string.
No keyword (zero-length string, the default) means that no Help topic is provided for the control.
To use the Help, insert in the uses clause of your application the Vcl.HtmlHelpViewer or other unit that provides an interface to the external Help viewer to use. For C++, you need to include the HTMLHelpViewer.hpp header file.