Data.Bind.Components.TColumnLinkExpressionItem Properties

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CollectionpublicSpecifies the TCollection instance to which the TCollectionItem belongs.
ColumnExpressionspublicSpecifies a collection of column expression items. Each column item contains a link binding expression to format a grid column.
ColumnIndexpublishedSpecifies the index of the column that needs to be populated.
ColumnNamepublishedSpecifies the name of the column that needs to be linked to.
ControlMemberNamepublishedSpecifies the name of the control component to use with the column link binding expression.
DisplayNamepublicThe name displayed in the Collection editor.
DisposedprotectedDisposed is a read-only property that shows the current state of this object.
FormatCellExpressionspublishedSpecifies a collection of expression items. Each item contains a binding expression to format a grid cell.
FormatColumnExpressionspublishedSpecifies a collection of binding expressions that can be used in order to populate a column using appropriate formatting.
IDpublicA unique, permanent index for the item.
IndexpublicReturns the item's position in the Items array of TCollection.
NamepublishedSpecifies the name of this item.
ParseCellExpressionspublishedSpecifies a collection of link binding expressions that are evaluated to populate a column.
SourceMemberNamepublishedSpecifies the name of the source component to use with the column link binding expression.