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function IsLinkedTo(DataSource: TDataSource): Boolean;


bool __fastcall IsLinkedTo(TDataSource* DataSource);


Type Visibility Source Unit Parent
function public
Data.DB TDataSet


Indicates whether a dataset is linked to a specified data source.

Call IsLinkedTo to verify that a dataset provides data through a specific data source. DataSource is the data source component to test.

Note: IsLinkedTo is mainly provided for developers deriving custom components based on TDataSet. It is not intended or needed for general data access.

If the datasource provides data from the dataset or one of its nested dataset fields (or a nested dataset nested in a dataset field...), IsLinkedTo returns true. If the datasource provides data from some other dataset, or if the data source does not already have a dataset of its own, IsLinkedTo returns false.

Note: IsLinkedTo is mainly provided for developers deriving custom components based on TDataSet. It is not intended or needed for general data access.

See Also