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TFDCursorKind = (ckAutomatic, ckDefault, ckDynamic, ckStatic, ckForwardOnly);


enum DECLSPEC_DENUM TFDCursorKind : unsigned int { ckAutomatic, ckDefault, ckDynamic, ckStatic, ckForwardOnly };


Type Visibility Source Unit Parent
enum public
FireDAC.Stan.Option FireDAC.Stan.Option


Specifies the types of cursor a FireDAC command or dataset uses.

TFDCursorKind indicates the type of cursor that the FireDAC command or dataset uses for the result set when it is opening.

Name Description
ckAutomatic A driver will automatically choose cursor kind, depending on the other fetch options and result set structure.
ckDefault A driver will use a default client-side cursor. A default cursor produces the records snapshot, as they were at query execution time. May give maximum fetch performance, but requires more time to return the first record because all result set records will be sent to the client at Open call. Some DBMSs support only single active default cursor per connection.
ckDynamic A driver will use a dynamic server-side cursor. Dynamic cursor rows may be affected by the updates to the query tables, while the cursor is active. May require less time to return the first record and more time to return all records.
ckStatic A driver will use a static server-side cursor. Static cursor produces the records snapshot, as they were at query execution time. The fetch performance may be similar to the dynamic cursor.
ckForwardOnly A driver will use a forward-only server-side cursor. FireDAC forward-only cursors are similar to dynamic or static cursors. To control FireDAC dataset scrolling abilities, use the Unidirectional property.

See Also